Gaming Photography-Great Moments in Yakuza 0.


Yakuza 0 is a yakuza mafia game: obviously in which we will embody the life of one of its members and all the problems that have to be faced when one is a member of the mafia, in this game we will have many things, sad moments, funny, but also totally cinematic scenes, so today for the Wallpaper Worth Pictures contest I want to share some of these great moments.


It's been a long time since I've been through a contest so I hope to entertain you for a while with these moments, for me everyone has their epic side, among my favorites is the one that is quite fun, since in Yakuza we are not only going to hit each other with everything that comes our way, but there are also very fun things and activities that do not add anything to the story, but give the player a little relief between so much drama of the story, I am sure that if they do not know the game they will not They expect it but we can go dancing hahaha.


Obviously in this game we are going to take a few hits with many different characters, there are boss fights and one of the best fights I had so far (I didn't finish the game yet due to lack of time hahaha) is against the boss Daisuke Kaze, which Funny thing is that he comes to a “fist” fight with an iron bar hahaha, the entrance is very cool, but look how he left it at the end hahahaha.




Life in the mafia is not simple at all, there is a lot of betrayal in this world, in fact, my last games were one betrayal after another hahaha I trusted a lot of people who ended up betraying me and even stealing money, but luckily I survived, although almost This story is not told, the facial expressions in this game are very good.


Since this is all about fights, the best thing that the game gives me is the possibility of going to blows with every person I can hahaha, in the fights we win money and the end of each fight is very good too, I think it is the most capture hard for me to take until now, I even think it's a great shot for wallpaper and t-shirt design hahaha, it's something I would use.


As this post started with Kiryu's entry, which is great, it will end with an equally good shot, which in fact is going to be my new wallpaper for my phone, and that was all for this occasion.
Don't forget to visit the community to see great game posts.


Until next time ❤️ Yowi.

Group 195 (1).png

Frame 87 (1).png

Todas las fotos fueron tomadas por mí
All photos were taken by me


That scene in the disco really conveys the festive vibe and reminds me a bit of John Travolta's movie (I say it because of the way he is dressed)

hahaha I think it's a reference, I decided to buy him that suit because it's great, there are many others but they are very striking

This game seem like a very good one and that’s because it will put you in the real life mode. It will make you feel everything is real including the storyline and character

Yes, the streets in this game are very interactive and the people there are a little too, there are many talks and conversations of people and some even ask you for help

I've heard a lot about this game and it looks pretty good, the screenshots are great, thanks for sharing.

The game is incredible, if you have the chance you should play it :3

@tipu curate 4

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