Insider Trading and the Ethereum ETF Approval

in Cryptocurrencylast month

A short time ago the Securities and Exchange Commission of the USA approved exchange applications to list spot Ethereum ETFs. I wrote about this a few days prior when I pointed out the Massive Ethereum Pump where the ETH price jumped 20% in just a few hours. Admittedly this is pretty big news in the Crypto space because many thought the ETH ETFs were NOT going to be approved, so surely one would expect a pretty big market reaction when this news has been formally announced....?


Since the news broke, the market has done NOTHING. Nada...Nil...Bupkis. That might surprise some people because the truth is a little bit uncomfortable for those who still believe that our systems and institutions work properly and with integrity. The Uncomfortable Truth is that the news was already Priced In and all the Insiders who knew about the imminent ETF approvals were already buying up Ethereum a few days earlier. It’s called Insider Trading and it’s easy money...if you’re an Insider.

The problem is that this is utterly corrupt and I’ve seen this kind of thing going on for decades now. Insider Trading is supposed to be illegal, but who is going to enforce the law? The SEC...enforcing itself? Yeh, that seems unlikely.

This is why I don’t bother watching the news and I NEVER make investment or trading decisions based on the News Cycle. Once some Politician or Talking Head on the Mainstream Media is breaking news to the plebs public it’s already too late to act on it. The public are literally the last people to find out about the news and the insiders are already well positioned to take advantage of it.

Instead I like to watch the Markets. Money is typically far more honest than people. Markets can move in strange and sudden ways, but they always tell a story if you know what to look for. Even for big events like 9/11 there were telltale signs in the markets leading up as the Airlines were shorted. Ahead of every war there is always a pump in the shares of Weapons Manufacturers. Another example this week has been the big jump we’ve just seen in the Pharma Corporations that produce Vaccines...

Know what to look for and prepare accordingly.


Seems to pretty much always be the way, in our world. Someone, somewhere, knows someone else, who knows someone and tells someone "under the table" and some big pockets end up getting filled as part of the process... while the rest of us sit around and hope that "maybe next time" we'll be lucky enough to get in on the surge.

Except... luck has little to do with it...

Once it’s announced it’s atleast 24-48 hours too late. Never be a follower

An eye-opener.

I think this is the case everywhere.

Another example this week has been the big jump we’ve just seen in the Pharma Corporations that produce Vaccines...

Opps. We can't afford another corona like event.

Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @sahi1. Keep spreading love through ecency

This is very happy news and we will see that within the next 10-15 days we will see the altcoin prices in the market going up a lot like Bitcoin price did some time ago.

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👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @bhattg suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️
🙏 Don't forget to Support Back 🙏

Couldn't agree more, look carefully and prepare accordingly. When those airlines were shorted before the attack you know it was insiders on the plan from the Middle East, they made out like bandits. Weapons manufacturers are a great buy since all the ammo is going to Ukraine the stocks have to be replaced.

ETH was already priced in I agree, but with some fine tuned proposals there may be a huge bump down the road. I'm not buying any more, but I'm not selling ETH either!