Conquering The Saboteur Of Productivity.

in Humanitas15 days ago

If Procrastination was a human, it would be the old George who doesn't see the need for things until they hit the deadline. Many times, I don't bother myself with things when everyone is rushing to get theirs done, and in the end, I pay double the price.

I was so obsessed with the habit, and every time I think I have gotten over it, I end up finding myself procrastinating again. Honestly, it doesn't feel like procastination from the onset because there are always good reasons for me to wait a bit longer than usual, but if you look deeper, you can easily see the effect of procastination on my decision.

My Image

Many people always tag people who procastinate as lazy, and that's a fair name if you ask me. It's a whole different case for me because I am not a lazy type and just think the time for a particular thing is not now. Sometimes, delaying a bit becomes a good thing, while there are cases when it backfires beyond what I imagined.

Despite the good that might have accompanied my procrastinating habit, I knew it wasn't a good thing. My mom and immediate sibling always complained about it, but I usually don't get bothered until something happened some years ago.

After completing my ND program in the polytechnic, some of my coursemates began their clearance immediately; this must be done to get your result when it's finally out. I didn't take it seriously and can do it anytime since I have a statement of results issued by the school, which serves as proof that I completed my ND program. Some organizations take the statement of result and give you a deadline to bring the result, but my mom and siblings insisted that I get the result because no one knows when a life-changing opportunity will come my way.

Two years passed, and a very good friend gave me a job link at one of the leading banks in Nigeria. I was excited for the opportunity and prepared really well for the test and interview. My friend called a day before the test was scheduled and asked if I had gotten everything the recruitment process required, and I responded yes.

I told her everything, and she said that my statement of result wouldn't be accepted. She insisted that the recruitment process require my original result, and fear gripped me. I live about 30 minutes away from the polytechnic where I attended, so I rushed there immediately. Upon arriving there, I was lucky to meet the department secretary, who helped me a lot, even though I had to pay three times the fee my friends paid for their clearance.

After running around the school, I was told to come back in a week. I pleaded and was ready to pay more just to get the result immediately, but there is a process and it can't be skipped. I left the school feeling devastated and wish I had listened.

For the benefit of doubt, I went for the text the next day, and they didn't even allow me to write because I came with a statement of result. At that point, I felt down about losing such an opportunity, and it taught me a huge lesson.

After that experience, you must think I quit procrastinating, but that's not true. Once in a while, I still slip into the state, and when I discover this, I make amendments immediately.

I wouldn't call myself a 5 a.m. club member yet, but doing things at the right time has become a priority for me. I try as much as possible never to say "later" when that thing can be done immediately and on days when later is a must, I set a reminder.

Another way I have successfully put procastination aside is eliminating any form of distraction preventing me from doing the needful at that particular time. The biggest of it all is that no one can help you conquer procastination, motivational speakers can only try because it's a decision you have to make yourself.

Starting early or faster than anyone doesn't guarantee anything, and what matters is doing the needful when necessary.

This is my entry to today's MAYINLEO prompt and you can also be participate in the prompt. Feel free to check the link for every information you need about the prompt.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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Despite being as... productive as I seem to be on Hive posts and comment, I still feel as though I procrastinate too much!

Lolz, I think you feel this way because you believe that there are more things you can do that you aren't doing.

I hope your week started beautifully, sir? My regards to your family.

Thanks man.

Yeah, I definitely feel like I should be able to do more!

Hmmmm! the effects of Procrastination is greater my friend

Yeah, it really doesn't end well and we easily get addicted to the lifestyle.

That was a really though experience for you , I thought that I was the only one in such shoes but gradually we have to overcome procastination as it robs us of so many things.

A lot of people struggle with procrastination and since it's not something to be proud about, we barely speak about it.

There is actually no better way to handle procrastination that overcoming it.