Stop Procrastination before it stops you: Fighting this monster called "Procrastination".

in Humanitas27 days ago (edited)

Stop procrastination before it stops you: Fighting this monster called “procrastination”


Procrastination is a monster and until we see it that way, it will be difficult to fight it and cut off its claws. I have been a victim of procrastination several times and I must confess that it left indelible marks that till today it still remain fresh in my memory. Hence my approach to fighting procrastination is majorly on experience. Procrastination in a layman's understanding is laziness or postponing the things that ought to be done to another time. Procrastination is a thief of time and at the same time, the enemy of the future. Procrastination does not mean well to anyone, hence, where there is procrastination, there is failure, backwardness, underdevelopment, excuses, and deception. I see procrastination as the greatest enemy of mankind.

One certain thing is that everyone outstanding in their area of specialization has fought and conquered the evils of procrastination. It's better to have this understanding so that whenever you want to do a thing and you see yourself being pulled back or not having an interest in doing it, then you should know that procrastination is creeping in hence you rise and fight it. Procrastination can only be defeated through a fierce fight.


There are subtle ways procrastination can manifest in a person without him knowing about it.

When you suddenly lose interest in what you wanted to do
As I stated earlier, procrastination will clandestinely creep into a person and make him develop less interest in what he initially found interest in doing. It happened to me when I started writing a book. At first, I was full of passion, energy and anticipation only for the drive to die down drastically and I could not continue any longer.

Whenever you are feeling too lazy to work
Laziness and procrastination are from the same family. Procrastination is the first child then followed by laziness. What procrastination does is to inject laziness into a person. When laziness sets in, you can never do what you set your eyes to do. You will keep postponing what was supposes to be done today till tomorrow because of laziness.

Whenever you sleep too much
This might sound absurd to some people but this is the reality. Anyone who spends lots of his time sleeping can never be productive. Productivity has to do with being active. Procrastination has to do with not wanting to do anything for yourself hence most time it manifests through sleep.

Whenever you postpone what ought to be done
This is the chief of procrastination. Whenever you start postponing the things that you would have done today to tomorrow or another time then know that procrastination is beginning to manifest. Postponing what ought to have been done today to some other time is not a bad thing, but it becomes bad if there is nothing else that occupies the time.

At times it is better to checkmate yourself to know if procrastination is taking a grip on you so you make a conscious effort to ensure that you fight fiercely to get loose of its grip. It might not be easy at first but in the long run, it will certainly work out.

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This is my response to May Inleo Initiative Day 19

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Yeah. It's too easy justifying why I'm slacking today. Yet as long as you didn't give to and keep on trying. There's still a chance to get better.

Yea definitely and this only happens if you get up and begin to do the things you ought to do without consistent giving ofexcuses and laziness.