The Battle with Mr. P

in Humanitas25 days ago

Magandang buhay!

Yes, life is still beautiful. I do hope everything is going awesomely for you wherever you are. I know, Monday is not everyone's favorite but we always get through it no matter what, noh?

Most people are fighting some battles every day. I do too, not with anyone else, but with my own demons and that includes procrastination which I often refer to as Mister P (or Mr. P) in my write-up. It appears harmless at first, visiting once in a while, then it becomes frequent, and when you are not careful, it takes a room in your house. Truly a mischievous enemy, I say. It kills your enthusiasm, robs your productivity, and stops you from accomplishing things.

Many years ago, I usually got things done. I rarely postpone for tomorrow. That was true even after retiring from my 9-5 job. When one thing is completed, I'd look for another and see it to the finish line, then the cycle repeats. That was the typical me. Sitting idle on most days didn't sit well with me. We had lazy days too but they were still spent productively.

When we were at the other place, I did gardening, DIY, helped my sister in her rental business, and did whatever else I could. I would volunteer to babysit my brother's daughter. I would even tidy up their house because his wife (now ex) was not a homebody.

At night, I'd be on my computer attending to my online stuff, learning and discovering new things. I always made sure my to-do list was checked off before going to bed. The next morning I would wake up as early as 4 am, go jogging, connect with nature, and back home at half past 5 or 6.

Back then, I was a member of the 5 am gang (the last one to go to bed and the first to wake up). I was driven, physically active, and mindful of how I utilized my time, and what I could accomplish in 24 hours, mentally noting what I could improve the next day. The truth is, I didn't like the word 'later.' It irked me when hearing it from those around me. I preferred doing things 'now' to later.

Egor Komarov via Pexels

Fast forward to today, I find myself constantly struggling to do things, let alone finish most of them. Later has become a comfortable word, putting off some work for tomorrow.

So what changed?

I've gotten older, less healthy, and have a dog.

Also, I think Mr. P has taken residence in my home after its frequent visits, especially this year. It was hard for me to admit at first but that's the truth.

The good thing though is that I can still manage to kick it out on most days. Hence, achieving some important things and keeping me on track with my daily goals (both in real life and online). And I intend to keep fighting and winning one day at a time by pushing through. Baby steps... until I have my momentum back, and making sure to keep some balance and not compromise my well-being (my mistake in the past year).

Onwards and forwards...

Lead image created on Canva, the other as credited. No copyright infringement intended/21:10ph

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I try to deal with Mr. P myself dearest.. it ain't easy. And infact there's a whole lot of distractions now than in any era so it's quite easy for Mr. P....

The best thing to do is to ensure that the most important or needful is done.... I loved your blog and your name for Mr. P😂😂

That's very true, many things dangling in front of our eyes so Mr. P must he celebrating each time it wins, haha.


Absolutely 😂😂😂😂 well hey, as long as the needful is done, I'm leaving the rest to MR P Because he's probably going to win regardless 😂😂😂

Lol! I think you're doing better and winning against Mr P😉

😂😂😂 thanks so much my dearest friend

While your fighting with Mr P, I'm fighting with Mr D.(Depression). We have our different battles. But I hope we can have our victory in the end😣.

Life can be tough but we get through. We are warriors. Please be safe sis. ❤️

Thank you sis♥️

Honestly, waking up at 5am is stressful but I’m living that life now because I have to work online before going out to my shop
It’s stressful but I’m enjoying the life though

What matters is you enjoy what you do :) All the best, !LADY

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Mr. P is present for almost all of us. Mr. P never leaves us completely anytime. Fortunately, most of the time I can ignore Mr. P and it's good for me and I can make my day productive.

Kudos to you, Inti for winning against Mr. P :) Congratulations

We do have to celebrate the small wins, to build a habit it doesnt happen from one moment to another unless its something that is basically killing you thats the only reason I have seen ppl say for example quit smoking, other habits take time like staying productive but everything is in our brain, we need to train it like any other part of our body to remain strong so we keep pushing everyday also have something that remind us everyday why we doing what we do, I have pic of my wife and kids on my tablet, everything I do is for their future...Onwards and forwards...✌️

You are right. We do have something within us that keeps us through. Having the people who motivate and inspire you is the best thing :)

It sounds like you've been through a lot of changes, but it's great to hear you're still fighting and making progress, even if it's one step at a time. Keep pushing through, and remember to be kind to yourself along the way.

remember to be kind to yourself along the way.

Thank you, this is absolutely needed.

Right now we all are in depression due to inflation and there are many problems in life due to which nothing looks good in life.

Inflation won't win against us, we can get through these tough times.

If only many of us have learnt to overcome procrastination, our life will have been a better place and we will have achieved success

You are right. But it's not too late. We can still do something about it :)

Hahaha... Always fighting one demon or the other. Mr P is a demon I have had to contend with a lot more times, workload is much on weekdays so I guess I could do those things by weekends. Then weekend comes, I need to rest so the job remains undone. Just on and on like that.... 😄

I guess Mr P is close to most people, !LOL

I also used to dislike the word "later". For me, it was more of missing out on the present moment if I postpone doing tasks for later. I still prefer doing tasks at their slated times, it helps develop will power and a sense of urgency in accomplishing my goals.

Yeah, doing things at once is the best deal or we risk piling them up and we wouldn't be able to catch up :)

And when we stay behind for too long, getting back on track can be a very difficult task. Sometimes, way harder than before!

That is so true. It would be one hell of a struggle.


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