Is there gonna be a better time?

in Humanitas29 days ago

If you've never procrastinated,hands in the air?Contrary to popular opinion, its not only doubt that kills dreams more than fear would but dating duties, responsibilities or tasks for a later day or date.
You know, I kind of think we are all victims in the game played by procrastination knowingly or unknowingly, since an average human yearns for relief.
"I'll do it tomorrow..."
"It wouldn't rain tomorrow..."
"The weather is gonna shine brighter tomorrow"...
"I'm gonna take a pass body needs a rest. Just to mention few of the excuses we usually come up with to get by the day.
Frankly, there's no theory ever proven that knocks out making "excuses" but what is totally wrong is you making excuses out of laziness just to excuse yourself from doing what you're suppose to do now for another day meanwhile, what doesn't catch our knowledge at that moment is that, there will always be tomorrow and tomorrow and another tomorrow until forever.
Hardly, will you see a well organised person to be a procrastinator because obviously, they work with a draft out plan that outlines all of their "To dos" for each day and that makes it even harder for anyone to try to squeeze them into their own plans unless, they have free time for that. I guess this explains the saying that, "If you don't have a plan,other people's plans will fit into yours ".

Haven't explained EXCUSE as one of the numerous models or mediums deployed by procrastination, permit me to mention another which is, BUSYNESS.
At some point we all get so busy, i mean too busy to even have time for ourselves not to talk of other frivolous things. Being too busy isn't my bone of contention though, but that of the nature of our busyness.
Are you busy like a butterfly? Who's not up to anything but doing everything or an ant? Who knows and implement the law of time and season; the time to till the ground, cultivate crops, build barns for it and then sit back to rest during raining season. And that's the power of GETTING IT RIGHT WITH YOUR PRIORITIES.
Sidelining important tasks under the pretext of getting busy doing other less important things just because, you've allowed the fear of "what if" to deaden the idea even before you indulge it , will earn you so many regret and " had I know" later in life. So,why not shred that fear into pieces and thrash it into the bin? Tomorrow isn't promised and there's not gonna be a better time to do it than now.

"Early bird catch the sweetest worms"
Isn't so intriguing how the littlest of things tends to make volcanic impact in our lives? Sleeping early so as to wake up early seems to be one of them. The body and brain needs proper rest to function at their best,this thereby helps your productivity rate to increase, debarring you from dating task to another "better time".
I'm gonna leave you with this,WHILE THE SUN IS STILL SHINING,DO WELL TO MAKE YOUR HAY"....

© Medemausi

This is my entry for #mayinleo prompt day 19.

Pictures Source: Pexel

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


“Early bird catches the sweetest worms”, I love this statement

Thanks for reading....

My hands are still hanging in the air because I'm guilty of procastinating. Can I bring it down now?

Abeg bring am down but do the needful so that your hand wouldn't dry out of incessant hanging in the