Living In A Backward Society With A Forward Thinking.

in Humanitaslast month

Cultural norms is not limited to the larger society alone. Every settings has it prevailing culture whether it is being clearly stated or not. For instance, an office as a subset of the larger society usually possesses underlying patterns of behaviour that is expected from all and sundries which helps in modifying the behaviour of everyone within the confinement of the institution.
"You're not allowed to date your fellow colleagues"
"One will have to leave the job for other because, our company's rules doesn't permit couples to work in our organisation" etc
These rules aren't just rules but culture.
Hence, what is cultural norms?
First of, the word "Norms" is derived from a old French word "norme"from Latin " norma" which by interpretation denotes normal.
Therefore, cultural norms simply means set of values, beliefs, behaviours, material or immaterial objects consider as normal by a group of people which constitute their total way of life. Apparently, cultural norm has it variations i.e what is pictured as normal here could pose to be a cultural shock elsewhere,
allow me to quickly brush you through few case studies.

I recently relocated to where I'm living presently eight (8) months ago for my one year mandatory national youth service. My spirit was down casted the moment i set the sole of my feet on it soil, why? Because this place is like the end of the planet EARTH; It's a typical village.
One of the cultural norms that is prevalent here that obviously is a shocker to me is,
• DANCING DOOR TO DOOR DURING APPRENTICE GRADUATION CEREMONY: A large percent of youth and teenager here sees "Education As A Scam" (a waste of effort) so most of them are either learning one trade(vocation) or the other and the remaining small percent that you might miraculously bump into are going to school for going sake (going to school for showoffs).
Back to the gist, after the apprentice has completed the number of years for his or her training, a graduation date will be fixed for certification
On the day of the graduation ceremony, the apprentice will dance from one house door to the other, firmly holding his or her issued certificate as people spray them money, celebrating their successes.
Shocked ?
I was when i saw it too.
Another is..............

• THE COCOA TRADE : Cocoa is one of the numerous items that has facilitate international trade in Africa countries, it is no news that Africa nations have fertile lands for cultivating cocoa plantation however, what is quite new to me is learning about cocoa trade.
What's more alarming to me is,the number of years the resident of this locality use in learning this trade.
An apprentice learning about the cocoa trade use a minimum of eight years before he or she can graduate. I even heard that the scaling and measuring of bags of cocoa is the most difficult aspect of the trade.
Am i not living in a backward society?I need your view please.
Am i going to eventually adapt to any of these norms? God forbid!

© Medemausi

This is my entry for #mayinleo prompt day 10.

The picture is mine!

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