Procastination Is Never A Right Decision

in Humanitas26 days ago (edited)

Procrastination means to prolong or delay a decision to do something which could be caused by laziness or other external factors. One of my major rule in life is never to is never to be be a delay to someone, something or to delay to any decision to do something or carry out a task. Doing the right thing at the earliest right time is the best decision to make.



Most people have failed and lost a lot of opportunities due to procrastination. Procrastination is mostly birthed by laziness to perform a task or the act of not making the right thing at the right time. Delay is an unnecessary act that should be avoided because it can cause negative consequences for doing so. Some people Classify Procrastination as a disease or psychological disorder but according to scientifically research, procrastination is not a disease but simple a state of the mind.

Frequent Procastination can affect our personal life, education, works in a negative way. We must learn to overcome Procastination. I prefer working on a task immediately it is at hand and if I need to engage in Procastination it must be for a valuable reason.



My Experience with Procastination

During My early days and years in school I have alwsay been a big Procastinator and now I see the results and how it have affected me from those days till now. I believe in the law of delay patience to do right thing and my comfortable time but I was not told time waits for now one life waits for no one. I have lost a lot of opportunities from procrastinating and not not doing the right task at the right time. I believe in procrastinating as not a bad things because I was surrounded by friends that had the same thought but life doesn’t work that way. I had to step up myself and make my decision immediately as it could have affected me and my results. In real life daily task such as, cleaning the house, washing plates and doing some work assignments procrastinating of this have made me realize that procrastination is never a choice as you can’t overcome this task, you will still do it, so what is the problem of making this task delayed.

I remember reading for a course because it was simple I was procrastinating it until I saw it was the close to the exam date and when I saw how bulky the note was, I was shocked. This experience made me regret my procrastination decision even though I did not fail the course.

Procrastination is never I good decision as it could affect our way of thinking and make us loose a lot of opportunities or even make us make the wrong decision in life.


How I Overcome Procastination

Growing up I discovered some techniques which works for me in overcoming the laziness of procrastination.

  • Time Management: Always set your time to do the right thing at the right time. I make sure that my daily schedule is not affected by what I am postponing and if am free at that moment I do the task immediately.

  • Schedule Your Days: Alwsay make a plan of your task to be done at the right time, and set time for them. I fix time and alarm for cleaning, washing, sleeping, working and other performing other task.

  • Self Control; You must descipline yourself to be able to control your actions at the right time, and do not allow the mind to control you but make decisions for yourself as in a way that it won’t have negative effect on you.

  • Avoid Distraction; This is one of the major causes of procrastination. We must avoid distraction and do the right thing at the right time. Distractions are mostly cause by phones, technology, friends, or other things around. We must learn to do the right thing at the right time based on this category.

In Conclusion, I believe in “earlybird”, perform effectively on a task immediately it is time or at hand and we must avoid procrastination as it can be dangerous to us and affect our way of life and opportunities that may come to us in the future. Procrastination can affect our productivity and personal life, this is why we must learn to overcome it. So waking up and attending to task early is the best decision to make as it can make everything more easier and task less heavier.


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Thank You For Reading My Post.


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Procrastination can really effect us mentally because when work will not be done on time then work will keep on compiling and it will be pain of brain only!

Exactly, that's also a point on procrastination

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Procrastination may earn some momentary pleasure but in the long run,it does greater damage than good.
Weldone Mike!

Thank You For Your comment 👍 Medemausi

Making hay while the sun shines can never be over emphasized.

Exactly, we must Always be early to carrying out our task