Procrastination reduces productivity.

in Humanitaslast month

Hello, everyone.

Procrastination is something a lot of people have to deal with, and they were kind of enjoying it until they realized what it was really doing to them. Procrastination takes productivity levels from hero to zero; sometimes you don't even see it coming until it has struck. Procrastination is something that has left many people with regrets. You hear them say, "I wish I got the task done at the right time and not postponed." A lot of people missed out on life changing opportunities all because of procrastination and not having the will to get the task over with at the right time until it was too late, and they ended up wishing they could turn the hands of time and do things right.

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Procrastination is one of the few slow killers I know; it starts eating one up slowly from the inside until it has a very strong grip on the person, and then it strikes. The earlier one gets to do away with procrastination, the better. Procrastinating gives you more time to relax and enjoy, but in the end, it makes the workload excessive, and you end up working extra and have a lot of catching up to do. Procrastination can hinder you from achieving your goals at the right time; it causes delay, and they say delay is dangerous. Procrastination can be defined as the act of delaying to get a task done, not because of circumstances or a tight schedule, but because you just lack the will to get the task done at that time.

The type of effect procrastination can have on your life.

Many procrastinators who did not realize what it was doing to them were left with a scar. It can affect one in numerous ways, one of which is that a procrastinator is always lagging behind. You are never on time; sometimes you manage to get the job done before the time is up, but you have to work extra to catch up and meet up with others. Procrastination also leaves one unmotivated; you become a person who has little or no motivation at all to get things done. Procrastination does more harm than good; it will only make you work twice as hard as you were supposed to if you got the job done at the right time.

I was a procrastinator for a very long time. As a student, I see my colleagues read every night, and they try to make sure I follow them to read, but I keep postponing, and in the end, I try to cover everything when it is almost time for exams. This makes me work extra, and sometimes I am left wishing I had followed my colleagues to start reading months before exams, as it makes it easier and reduces the amount of work you put in to prepare for exams. I realized the stress and pressure the act of procrastination was putting me under, and I had to adjust and adapt a few ways to help me fight it. I still struggle with it sometimes, but I try as much as I can not to give in.

There are a few ways to fight procrastination.

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  • Always have a schedule: having a schedule and sticking to it no matter what can help one overcome procrastination; it works every time. Not to forget, your schedule should be timed as well, which will help you get the task done and not postpone it.

  • Motivate yourself: When you lack the will to get the task done at that time, all you need is motivation or a reason to get it done at that time, so you must give yourself one.

This is my entry for day 19 of the InLeo monthly prompt. You can join by clicking the above link.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Always have a schedule and motivate yourself, that’s a good way to overcome procrastination 👍