Love as a prodigy:with abilities to heal a broken world

in Humanitaslast month

Hello everyone here on this community #Humanitas and hive as a whole is another weekend and I hope you guys are going to make it a good one. I have been reading some people's posts for some months now and I have to say I have learned a lot from this community impacting lives which I refuse to be left behind.

Love has been preach in every possible way to the general audience in different ways and different perspectives considering the religious setting but

The ability to love portrays selfless impact, but it is so unfortunate that people find it difficult to truly love, sometimes they do so to gain a person's attention thereby getting what they want.

So therefore love has drastically reduced because people now show love in exchange for their personal interest which is not the true essence of loving.

Love is a command and a sacrifice to humanity even the Holy bible says “love your neighbor as you love yourself” what others fail to understand is that love is a command for all humans,for reference (Matthew 22-29) it doesn't matter where you come from or your tribe love is demanded from everyone in different dimensions to make the world a safe place

We have many educational studies about human existence which both science and art are conventional human attempt to understand the world around us, if we look around In my country the economy has been corrupted yet we are still fighting Boko Harams,in the northern part of the country where killings and all manner of oppression consistently persist.

Nevertheless the vitality of love in the whole of human existence can't be overruled, no matter the religious group you find yourself it is not an excuse not to be kind to one another in fact as a Christian I am, I was surprised to know that the whole law about human relationship no matter the type is complied with just one precept “you shall love your neighbor as you do to yourself(Galatians 5-14)

The day we come to this understanding we will likely have less crimes and cases around the world. Having a simple and trouble free life gives us ease in all area of life.

LOVE IS AN ADVOCATE FOR PEACE; currently I don't think there is anything that can be exchanged for peace not even money because it stands as a secret weapon against miss-understanding in any organization,we know of racism and segregation not only inter continental but obviously even in the same state there are lots of tribalism which leads to unnecessary misunderstanding and war that end up in shading of bloods another example is the Israel Hamas war has stretched out for more than half a year and is currently one of the most destructive war led by a common misunderstanding,when we stay in peace we don't do it for others but for ourselves.


In a peaceful and harmonious societies the is a high chance of them being productive because the environment is safe for work, and any activity,with peace of mind much can be achieved, in the northern part of my country the killing of farmers by herdsmen and kidnapping from unknown gunmen is very alarming causing the farmers in the community to run for their lives,this also contribute to the hardship and lack of food stuffs in state


when love leads it is a strong bonding even between countries and in the society let's take marriages as a perfect example people marry from different country, state and community because of the love the have for each other, it is impossible for couples to have different agreement on any matter because the is love between them, imagine a society where fragas persist among the people it is simply because of lack of agreement.

Living in love and peace has always been the dream of everybody in the society but to initiate it has also been a thing of’s high time we embrace love as the main factor of a healthy living in our homes and beyond.

It's first time posting here and I'm glad to do that nice 🤩🤩 I'm @sylvasticks,an advocate for love and peace you can be one as well.

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