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No! Can't do that... Otherwise I'll be crying my eyes out here in Flanders, Belgium, with it FLAT landscape, where you can't shoot a single simple picture without someones UGLY house in it :-D

Oh brother, I feel you! I won't tempt you further with lovely landscapes! I soooo understand about not being able to take a photo without some unpleasant structure being in the shot! Not so much here, but in many other places that I've lived! We got to get moving on building our teleporter! 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™


lol! Can't but agree on the building thing :-D lol
I already enjoyed some more quiet time yesterday, in the more rural and hilly part of Belgium. Such a relief!!!

Can't is only a matter of perspective. Yep, me too...hehe. That's great to hear! Marvelous! I understand that relief! 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™

Love that can’t one! And I often use something similar, can’t just means you haven’t found out how yet. So keep looking!

I figured ya might! That does not surprise me, as I see how you push up against your boundaries and comfort zones. How we do anything, is how we do everything. Exactly. So many times I had no idea how to accomplish something, and I figured it out, through lots of research, experimentation, tinkering, and refinement. I always find a way! 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™

Indeed! That’s the spirit, that’s the mentality I’m trying to teach my kids and put out into the world!