Storms coming and a mob of kangaroos.

in Drone3 months ago

G'day hive,

I'm back with some drone shots I got the other week.

We were up in Agnes Waters in central Queensland, and we could hear some rumbling in the sky as it started to get overcast.

So I got the drone out for a better look as we were surrounded by trees and couldn't see the sky properly from our camp.


And yep a big storm cloud was on the horizon coming our way!

As I was flying the drone back I noticed some movement on the ground so I flew a bit lower to see what it was..

And a mob of kangaroos were grazing in the field.


There was even a joey with them.


I have zoomed in on the photos I took as I didn't want to get to close to them and spook them.


They could probably hear the buzzing of the drone but they didn't seem to mind.


I have never had this perspective from above of a kangaroo before. Was pretty cool to see.


Great shots and love the roos. Getting some wildlife shots like this is one of the main reasons I bought a drone with good zoom. It's great fun to get the shots without disturbing them.

Cheers mate!
It's definitely a fun way to get a new perspective from above of the roos!

@tipu curate

Cheers mate much appreciated 🙌