A terrible accident to remember

Hello guys!I hope you all are good and enjoying good health.Its Thursday a throwback time.But this time it is not going to be a good memory of past like I always do.But it is about a terrible accident that happened to my younger brother.First of all let me show you my brother who has grown a bit.Its been a while since that accident happened.This is him now.I don't have pictures of him alone because I have changed my phone recently.

It was a year ago.He had a school function for (I don't remember exactly) But it was a result or some national day.He took part in the performance of a tablo.It includes various stunts.That he wanted to do for too long.and he was so happy about it.He used to practice alot at home to the points that his feets start ache.We were also very happy to see him putting alot of effort in doing something.
The function finally came and he went there all ready with a neat and clean uniform,well polished shoes,perfect hair.He asked us (his sisters)that how he was looking and we complimented him that he is looking handsome.
Parents were also invited but we could not make it there.we recieved a call from this anonymous number saying that we should come to school.My mother started panicking that what has happened.Then my cousin called and told us that saif(my brother) fell during performance and he is injured.He sent us his picture that was so bad.His teeth were about to came off.
He was referred to another hospital.The matter was really serious.My mother in no time got ready with his clothes in a bag and rushed to hospital.
When they reached there A doctor performed the X-ray and applied bandages.


My uncle who is doctor by profession working in UK happened to be at home thankfully.He helped alot with his checkup.The doctor performed X-ray and told us that his lower jaw is all dislocated.His one or two teeth are broken.
Actually he fell on the ground and his mouth hit the ground.He was unconscious due to low blood pressure and low sugar level due to standing for a long time.as he was unconscious he could not save himself by putting his hands on the ground first.Instead his mouth directly hit the ground that's why he was injured so badly.
His doctor suggested that we should have his operation in two weeks.so we took care of his recovery for two weeks and we went to hospital again for his operation.

This was him one day before operation.
He could not eat anything.He was just drinking soup and juices.


The operation was successfull.My uncle was with him he was updating us about his condition.He told us that operation was successful but he is in alot of pain.



The thing that was hurting me and my family was that he is too small to handle this much pain.We were praying for him alot for his recovery.


His recovery took about 2 months.He couldn't go to the school.Every month he has to have two checkups.We took extra care of him because he was not comfortable with the things doctors was putting in his teeth to settle them in their place.
And thankfully after two months he had his last checkup.I went with him and I realized that how much he has overcome his fear.Because on his first day of accident he was crying to take one injection but now he was like a brave young man.


On his last checkup the doctor advised him to take care of his teeth.And we were finally relieved that he is perfectly alright.
The thing that I've learned from this incident was that we don't know what is waiting for us ahead.We are living in present.And after every happy moment there is a sad one and so on.we should prepare ourselves for everything.We should make ourselves stronger with every new moment whether it is a happy or sad one.
Like my brother who was fearful but adopted to be brave with every checkup.And also it made me realize that how much I love him and my family that I cannot see them in pain.May God bless them with good health and long life.

Sorry for the pictures because I have changed my phone.
Ok that was all about it.
See you again.
Take care.
Bye bye 💞 👋.


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Hi, thank you so much for participating in #tbt Thursdays. Evidently not all memories are happy ones and this is a case in point. The good thing is that those days are behind us and from situations like these we all learn a little. Thanks for sharing this anecdote and the pictures 🙏