“In the embrace of Kolkata’s timeless charm.”

India is a vast country. Often a person does not gets a chance to travel to each city or each part of India. I happen to one of them. Though I made to most part of India, there are few which remain untouched. I mostly cash out on any of the opportunity that comes on my way. Counting on the opportunity, I may happen to visit to cousin in Kolkata in coming days. This is one of the place which could pull any person to visit again and again.

The mere mention of the city took me to my only visit to the place few years ago. It was in 2016 , when I explored the roots of the city during a day visit. Kolkata being one of the oldest city of India, always been on my radar for various reason. It is one of the cheapest and cultural rich city of India.


It was a direct call from the city, and I happen to made it for a day and half only to attend my friends wedding reception. It was an unplanned trip but the curiosity to make it to the place made it very exciting. We landed late at night, at the airport and directly headed to our hotel as arranged by my friend. He took care of us once we landed. From airport to hotel, it was all his arrangement. I did not saw the night life, but enjoyed the fresh air. A completely different feel than Delhi Air.


Kolkata , is the capital of West Bengal and is situated on the eastern bank of Hooghly river. I heard of this place from my friends and also read a lot in different article. From third largest cricket stadium globally, to only city in India where trams still run. From the busiest Howrah railway station to oldest port in India. It is also the city who whole heartedly follow #soccer. Even players like Pele and Maradona made to the city. Kolkata is a city everyone needs to experience at some point in their lives.


The next morning I was all set to take a city trip, as the wedding receptiom is scheduled in evening. We began the day with a Salt Lake Football stadium (above image). Kolkata has rich in history. It was the headquarter of British East India company. Thanks to the presence of the oldest port that allow them to set their foot in India. The British Raj era may be recognized throughout the city #architecture and #culture. They have left some fine imprint at every corner of the city.


Our city tour already begun and we were enjoying the city. My friends accompanied us in the morning hours. He was our guide for half day. He took us to the Princep Ghat. It is a beautiful place to visit anytime either sunset or sunrise. It is a garden area along the Hooghly river. It is an idyllic spot to relax and enjoy the calm river. We can see the port at the far end. The water is so calm and the view of the bridges on both sides connecting the old Kolkata to new is mesmerizing.



We moved ahead onour tour and my friend left us to explore the city of our own. We crossed the besutiful Howrah Bridge. It is one of the iconic landmark of Kolkata. It is considered to be one of the longest cantilever bridges in the world. We were already enjoying the rich history of the place. Firstly the princep ghat and then now the oldest steel bridge in India. It was a spectacular sight.


We also pass through Howrah Railway Station. The busiest railway station of India. It has the iconic British architecture too standing tall. It was too crowded place, and we unable to stop our vehicle to take some shots. But the crowd and business can be felt passing through the station.


We we were in the old part of the Kolkatta and enjoying some of the old things coming around. I was fascinated to see the Trams running on road. And it does not take long to spot one. Whistling past us in a moment of a second. It is too strange how the city lives up with the old as well as the new mode of transport. Kolkata has the first underground metro rail and it has also the oldest trams on the streets.


We didn't boarded the trams but the sight was too good to be memorable. We headed to one of the major attraction of the city Victoria memorial. An architectural beauty dedicated to Queen Victoria. Another masterpiece of colonial era. It has turned into a museum. But if happens to be closed on our day of visit. But it did not stopped us to explore them from a distance.


Finally we made it to the wedding reception later in the evening. After walking around the city the entire day. We were tired but not enough to say no to the Kolkata sweets. The city is very famous for various milk made sweets and streets foods. Rasgulla is the gift of Kolkata itself.


I never thought that I could ever made to the place again. But looking at the situation, I might soon end up to relive each of thr moments. It is always said that Kolkata neve changes, hopefully it never does. The city hold tight all the ancient and cultural heritage in its laps and a visit always gets exciting with each exploration. A good place of old and new culture.

Kolkata is well connected with roadways, railways, and airways, with rest of India. It can easily be reached from any parts of India. I am busy with preparing my plans for upcoming trip. Leaving you all the memory of my last visit. Last time it was a shorter visit, and this time too. But hopefully, I get a chance to rest part of the city.


Namaste @steemflow

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Definitely Calcutta is not only important in your country, but in the whole world. They take so much care of their culture and architecture that I recognized two important places that always come to this part of the world when they talk about India, such as the stadium and the Howrah Railway Station. The bridge I have also seen in many pictures, but I didn't know where it was from.

I am very happy to read that you are a person who has seen many corners of your own land, not everyone can say the same, besides, India is a very big place, so you have done a lot. I hope you visit Calcutta again and that you find it as you remember it, I am sure there are many other wonders to discover yet. Thanks so much for being present at #tbt Thursdays bro ❤️

I love exploring places especially at the rounds level...I like knowing the culture, the lifestyle, the foods , language..and one can understand by being on the roads rather than travelling on cars....I try to capture as much as possible....I am surprised to see the old Calcutta name coming from you....it is indeed the old name and have many stories in them...with many things hidden and unexplored.

Let's hope it doesn't change when you come back, because you will be back and what I have seen in your pictures is wonderful! What a place! What a building! Thank you so much for taking me to Calcutta through this post, thank you!😃

Un...Luckily I could not make up to the place....The person is coming back here....hehe

But it is an incredible place!!!! I wouldn't have many lifetimes to travel the whole planet!

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Wow, what an interesting memory. I have always believed that one travels twice, once when you make the trip itself and once when you remember it and I think that through your photos, I myself have been able to get to know this interesting city, which I hope to get to know at some point.

Greetings friend, how great that whole experience was and above all to visit that place and be able to enjoy a great moment and time with your friend, where each of those places that you visited shows that they are very well preserved for all the time you have. Furthermore, that large stadium looks incredible and it is fascinating to know that players from the world of football have passed through there. All that walk was worth it and in this way we could create a great memory and an unforgettable experience. Success and thank you for sharing it with us today TBT Thursday.

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