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RE: The Flowers of Each Month Curated by Me ~ A Look Inside my Seasonal Journal

in Art.2 months ago

An awesome idea to not just document on the blockchain but also offline, on paper, like in the 'good-ole-days' ;<) I was without a smartphone until my early 30s ( I think I am a decade older than you, I was born in '81 ) but phones and the Internet already started taking over slowly but steadily. starting around the year 2000 ( when I entered University ).

I really like what you're doing but feel that I am too disorganized for that. I have so many different notebooks and they are in a bunch of different places. I often end up tearing pages out of them and even using pages for, for instance, shopping lists. They don't feel worth keeping over the years but I have kept some ( of my old writing ).


Overall I am glad to have become an adult in the digital age but also so glad that I got a chance to see the world before the 2000s and a bit of what the "good-ole-days" pre-internet were like. Now that I am able to make a living being a content creator I can't complain!!

I love that you have different notebooks and write things down even to this day. Maybe you can collect your favorite pages from all the books and make one scrapbook to summarize the year.