
Just watched a flick called bone tomahawk. It's not a horror film in the traditional sense but more of a western w horror elements.

It's basically about some folks that get on the wrong side of a tribe of cannibals. It's pretty graphic. Be warned!

Never heard of this one, Will have to look into it, been looking for good movies to watch since they not spitting out movies anymore these days. Will add it to the bucket list

Snagged it for $5 at Walmart. You may get lucky 🎲

As a horror fan, I will say that it is difficult to surprise me lately, but "It follows" it succeede! there are several bright and unpleasant moments in the film + great music) great choice😊

I’m not the biggest on horror so it really needs to grip me for me to sit through it! Any horrors you would recommend?

It follows was so creepy and distrubing and those scenes where it would slowly follow you was too much at times just the relentless nature of it

I'll try to limit myself to a short list, but I hope you appreciate it)
The Thing, 1982
Videodrome, 1983
Crimson Peak, 2015
Repulsion, 1965
The Witch, 2015
Jeepers Creepers, 2001

thanks for the recommendations, I haven't seen any of them so I've got my work cut out for me

haven't seen?) I was lucky, because when I was making this list, I was sure that you were already familiar with half of the films)

Lol you sure know how to pick em, I'll be sure to give you my opinion on your picks as soon as I watch them, scary movie marathon here I come

I'll wait for it)) I'm sure it will be interesting and fun, lol

Ooh, looks like some solid choices here! I actually haven't seen any of these. The Conjuring just looks like it would scare the beejeezus out of me, so that's why I've stayed far away from that one. The Platform I might be able to watch as far as horror goes, but still sounds like it would be tough to watch in some respects. Usually in horror movies it's the people who have sex who die first, so your last pick makes some sense in that regard as far as a nod to classic "rules" in a scary film. But I would imagine that puts a new twist on it based on the plot synopsis. Still coming up with my choices, though I can assure you I'll have something other than Shaun of the Dead (sorry Nicky). ;)

The first one was pretty creepy and the second one while not as scary is still a very good watch if you do get into it! Keen to see 3 when it finally releases.

LOL it normally goes

  • black guy
  • teens having sex
  • Blonde girl who has no atheltic ability

In that order but sometimes they’ll mix it up

Looking forward to your submissions so I can rate which classic death stereotypes you pick

Haha, yes, gotta love the horror movie hierarchy of death. Kind of made me glad to be a brunette growing up when I watched more of these since they usually had a chance of making it out alive. 😂

LOL you saying Coutney Cox And Selma Blaire gave you some hope! Brunettes lives matter okay?

lol, nice, I have not seen any of these, they all look super freaky and weird

I’d say if I had to pick one to check out the conjouring would be the best! I watched the second one in the cinema and peopele walked out lol

I've not heard of any of these but to be honest, if it isn't Shaun of the Dead, I'm not interested 😛

Conjuring, nope. Watched the trailer, that looks supernaturally horrific. The Platform is a disturbing one also, reminds me a bit of a cross between Saw and The Cube. It follows reminds me of another film about a curse that follows someone innocent around but can't remember exactly what it was. Some old lady gave her the curse in a parking lot and she's haunted...?

LOL Nicky you have to leave the Winchester sometime!! You need to get out there, buy a cornetto and maybe watch another movie or 2, just to see how it makes you feel

Haha, can't I just stay in the Winchester, grab a pint and wait for all this to blow over though? 🍺😉👍

When nicky hasn’t seen Shaun of the dead in a week or been to the Winchester for pint

I heard the God awful news that the Winchester Tavern was knocked down and converted in to flats... definitely not surviving...

Well, the platform was really weird but I would not count it as scary. "It" was indeed kinda scary, at least for those with clown phobia.
The Conjuring on other hand is a horror classics, definitely would go with that :)

Yeah I agree platform was more creepy than scary it jusy freaked me out the whole cannabilsm thing ands it’s more messing with your mind and what you would do if that were you than outright jump scares like a conjouring

I didn’t find IT scary at all, but IT follows the one I selected is not about the clown it’s about a curse that is passed on via sex with another it’s creepy AF

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I did see part of the platform. Not sure why it wasn't the whole thing. Probably had to change it because the kids were in the room.

It was a fascinating concept and just goes to show the things people are capable of in desperation.

Defs not one for the kids but the ending kinda left me wanting more, I think they could have done much more with the concept, but it was creepy AF for sure, it makes you think too, because of its just an exaggeration of what we already do to one another.

Very scarry

Indeed, have you seen any of them yet?