Henthusiasts, Bring Me Challenge #33: The fruit that Minions Love -Bababa baba nana

in Henthusiast Haven • 7 months ago

Hey Guys it's me again sut for another bring me challenge, it's been a while since I last joined this wonderful game by the guild , I missed all the fun and prices. 😅 😅

Fruits is one of my favorite diet, so here I am to talk about one of my favorite one the Banana. This usually grows in tropical areas. This fruit is rich in potassium, fiber and vitamin C and were usually used as an additive for baking and for drinks like smoothies or just eat it when its ripe. And because of this reason we decided to plant a few trees to have a taste of this fruit.


These trees are also to look at in our backyard specially if all the dried leaves is removed from the tree. We planted it with some camote as a cover crop for grass to not grow too dense in our yard.


Here we have a banana fruit that were just waiting to be mature enough before we cut it down to ripen it. For this one we needed maybe two more weeks before its good. This variety is the one we use for banana que and "turon".

After this bunch we have another bunch still growing, and I forgot to tell, we also cook the heart of the banana as a viand, its a good one, just stir fry it mixed with fish sauce or bagoong and its all good. So how bout you guys what's you favorite fruit.

Feel free to join this Weekly Challenge.

Here is the link, https://peakd.com/hive-186610/@hhguild/henthusiasts-bring-me-challenge-33

So this is it for this week, I'll surely see you in the next one.


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thanks for the reminder sir .