Take Charge Of Your Day By Adopting The 5am Club Concept!

in Lifestyle25 days ago (edited)

Starting off the day in a right foot is the key to having a happy, fulfilled and productive day, including a boost in one's general health. To achieve this, one needs to wake up early enough when the morning is quiet and the brain still calm and then focus on themselves, their priorities, and their goals before the distractions and demands of the day take over. This is basically what the concept of 5am Club is all about.

The 5am Club is actually a book written
by Robin Sharma, a Canadian self-help writer and leadership expert who has published so many books.
The idea behind 5am Club is for one to wake up at 5am and dedicate the first hour of the day to engage in activities like exercise, self-reflection, journaling, reading, or any other activity that helps you start your day on a positive note.

This is all about one keeping to the routine of taking absolute control of their early mornings, without allowing anything distract them as they engage in whichever activities they have adopted. It involves adopting a mindset of discipline, focus, and commitment to personal growth. It's a lifestyle change that can lead to more productive and fulfilling days, and ultimately, a more fulfilling life.

Although I am yet to adopt this concept fully but whenever I practice it, I find that my day is usually a smooth sail. I start off motivated and in high spirits which help me to squash the tasks of the day. Not only that, I carry an aura of cheerfulness which impacts everyone I come in contact with for that day.

This is a great concept which every individual who is angling to make the best out of their day should adopt as the benefits are numerous. Let's see some of them;

  • Increased Productivity:

There's no doubt that if one starts their day with a morning routine like meditation, drawing out their itinerary or reading etc., it can help them stay focused and prioritize their tasks for the day, which inadvertently leads to increased productivity.

  • Improved Physical Health:

One of the things that helps keep the body fit is exercise and that's why it is one of the suggested routine activities to practice in the 5am Club since doing so can lead to improved physical health and increased energy levels all through the day.

  • More Time For Personal Development:

One of the aims of the 5am club is personal development. So waking up early gives you have more than enough time to look engage in personal development activities like pursuing a hobby, learning a new skill or journaling.

Sometime last week, I remember waking up earlier than my usual 5:30am. I was able to meditate for some minutes then published a post and equally did the daily dreemport curation before setting off for the day. And I tell you it was a hell of a busy day that I didn't and I got home tired that I couldn't even engage on Hive again. So if hadn't taken that early morning action, I would have missed out on my Hive business for the day.

Improved Mental Health:

Engaging in practices like reading, journaling and mindful meditation, yoga, can help reduce stress and promote relaxation which leads to improved mental health.

  • Greater Sense Of Accomplishment:

By consistently sticking to your laid down morning routine, you are not only accomplishing your aims but also building self-discipline which can impact other areas of your life.

Having known the benefits of the 5am Club, let's see the tips on how one can start.

  • Firstly, set your alarm for 5am, or even earlier and be ready to wake up at its first ring. No snoozing.
    I'm guilty of the snoozing, lol. My alarm is set at 5am and then 5:30am but at the first ring I'll just snooze it waiting for the 5:30am, hehehe. I really need to be more intentional about this practice.

  • Draw up a morning routine of activities you want to engage in, just for yourself.

  • Preparing the night before by laying out all the materials you would need can make it a lot easier to get started in the morning activities and remain focused.

  • Getting a good night's sleep is key therefore it's important to set a sleep time and stick to it.

  • Limit or if possible avoid the intake of caffeine before retiring for the night including eating heavy meals.
    I'm very intentional about this particular one and have been on it for years now.

  • Most importantly is for one to stick to the routine every morning, and be consistent even when it seems tough at first. Keep doing it and with time it will become a habit.

In conclusion, the 5am routine is no doubt a great way to start your day and set the tone for a productive, fulfilling day. By prioritizing your own well-being and personal growth first thing in the morning, you're more likely to have the energy and focus to tackle the challenges of the day. Self discipline and consistency are needed to be able to hit the mark of success. However, it's important to remember that the 5am routine isn't all encompassing, therefore it's essential to find a morning routine that works best for you and your lifestyle.

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