Get your Protein Right

in Lifestyle8 months ago

Why is protein important?

Protein is the most important macronutrient to get right because of its thermogenic (fat burning) and anabolic (muscle building) functions.

#1: Protein helps you feel full longer and more energy is taken to digest it, therefore, losing more calories. Your body takes a longer time to break down protein than carbs or fat.

#2: Protein plays a key role in maintaining muscle mass and strength for us to perform daily functional activities such as carrying items and balancing, especially as we age.

So how much protein do we need?

Amount of protein intake varies among individuals and it depends on your age, gender, weight and how active you are. Nevertheless, a simple guideline to follow is 0.8g/kg body weight of daily protein intake is recommended for adults aged 18 to 49. Whilst, older adults aged 50 and above, a higher daily recommended protein intake is at 1.2g/kg of bodyweight.

So, for an individual who is aged between 18 to 49, and weigh 49kg, the daily recommended protein intake is ~ 0.8 x 49 = 39.2g.

How to incorporate protein-rich food into your meals?

Before we go into how to incorporate protein-rich food into your meals, let's look at some sources of protein. Below are some examples of food containing around 20 to 25g of protein:

Image taken from Healthhub

There's no hard code to incorporating more protein into your meals. You don't have to completely change your eating habits to meet the recommended daily intake of protein. Simply tweak your meal a bit to cater some protein in.

Some ways you can do it are:
#1: Swap out butter/jam for peanut butter with your toast
#2: Add at least one egg/chicken/tofu/fish into your meal
#3: Replace chocolates or chips with yogurt or mixed nuts

Now that you know the importance of protein and the benefits you can gain from hitting the recommended daily intake, it's time to start taking action! Small daily tweaks in your meals will be compounded with time.