in Lifestyle28 days ago

Ants are common insects which can be in most parts of the world. While there are different species of ants,all ants have a few defining characteristics. They have bodies with three sections;a head,an abdomen and a thorax. In addition,all ants have six legs and bent antenna.
Their legs and antenna are long compared to their bodies. Ants can be black,brown or reddish. Most species of ants pose no threat to human beings.



Ants are common household pests because they like to build their nests near food and water sources;human beings tend to unknowingly provide plenty of food for ants. They are social creatures that live in groups which can contain hundreds of thousands of individuals. Each ant has an important job within the colony. All worker ants are female. They collect food during the summer,build nests and care for the larvae. Male ants,on the other,have only one job,to mate with the queen ant and produce more offspring. The Queen's role is to lay eggs to keep the colony thriving.


Ants live in nearly any climate which makes them one of the most common insects throughout the world.
Most species of ants build large nests with difficult networks of tunnels. Ants can create their nests both indoors and outdoors. When building nests outdoors,you may notice small piles of dirt or sand at the entrance. Ants can also live in or around the foundation of your home or in the walls of your home.
Ants prefer to build their nests near sources of foods,water and protection from predators and the elements.


We have different types of ants namely; Carpenter ants,fire ants,little black ants, Argentina ants,field ants,pharaoh ants,acrobat ants,crazy ants and harvester ants.

One major lesson to learn from the ants is that they gather food and store during the summer season so they won't lack food during the winter season. They are so hard-working and diligent in food provision so as to avoid lack.

I wish lazy humans out there can emulate the ants and try to surprise those who thought they can't make it in life.


Friends what are your thoughts about the ants?

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