Changing my lifestyle to a healthier one

in Lifestylelast year

@Valeriaehb (1).png

Hello beautiful people of Hive, I am very happy to resume this space and to be able to continue sharing with you my experiences. It's my first time writing in this community and I feel it's the perfect place to tell this story since I'm changing my lifestyle for a healthier one.

In July of last year I weighed 53Kg, many will say that this weight is not bad but I felt bad, it should be noted that all my life I have weighed 45Kg and reach 53Kg was something totally exaggerated for me. What happened? I neglected a lot my nutrition, I started working from home which turned me into a much more sedentary and lazy person, I didn't feel good with my body, I had many pimples on my face, my clothes didn't fit me anymore and that's when I took the decision to change my lifestyle.

It was not an easy process because many people told me that I was fine, that I was too skinny before and that those 53Kg looked great on me. It was also very complicated because I ate a lot in the street, hamburgers, hot dogs, sweets, cakes and it is complicated to reduce that and more when everyone around you have the same lifestyle.

And yes my physical change has not been so drastic but the mental and nutritional change has been everything for me.

I started joining the gym with my boyfriend, we looked for routines on the internet and we did them together, after a month he stopped training for different reasons and I started to feel lost in the gym, I didn't know how to use the machines or anything, I asked my friends on instagram how I should do since almost all of them train a lot in the gym (this also motivated me a lot since I have always had their support). I was about to give up and then I got a trainer, a 70 year old man who dedicated his whole life to sports, bodybuilding, swimming, karate, boxing, among many other things, here I leave a picture with my dear trainer Carlos.


With my trainer I have learned a lot about how our body works, the growth of muscles and how to have a healthier life, of course he also trains me very hard, with a lot of weight to be able to define well.

Training is not easy, it requires a lot of discipline and dedication, but the hardest thing of all has been learning to eat healthy, the right portions and that it is a tasty food because many times we see healthy food as if it lacks salt or tastes bad and the truth is that it does not. You can eat healthy and tasty at the same time, I really mean it because in this process I have had to bring out my chef side, to not get bored of eating the same thing I always try to change the carbohydrates, cook proteins in other ways, eat fruit for breakfast (this is a challenge because I'm not a fruit lover).

I want to show you some dishes I have made




The truth is that I have loved eating this way, it is delicious, although to be honest here, I don't know many ways to cook hahaha but I do like what I do. Of course once in a while a hamburger gets on the menu but nothing happens as long as it is not daily and that's the problem, we get used to eat fast food every day without realizing the damage it does to our body, because I'm talking about everything in general.

Last year I felt very unhealthy, I never had energy, I wanted to spend all day lying in bed working since I have that facility, I went out to drink beer at least 3 times a week, I ate very badly from Friday to Monday, I had seeds on my face, I was always exhausted and I did not exercise, I felt heavy, my feet swelled, I really was doing me too much damage that lifestyle I had.

Now I eat healthy, I have enough energy throughout the day, I get sick less, I lost the kilos I wanted hahaha and I feel like light, if any of you feel the same, tell me in the comments, I love to interact here.

I also started taking protein, which has been another challenge since it tastes horrible hahaha I tried taking it with milk, with water, with chocolate, and in that search for a tasty complement to my protein after training I also realized that almond milk tastes horrible hahaha once I tried to take it that way and I could not finish it because of how bad it tastes. So far I've only liked it with strawberries or banana.

This is the protein I am taking


I have noticed the changes in my body a lot, the clothes fit me hahaha I don't have to buy bigger sizes because they fit me the same size as before, I have lost 5Kg and I feel that I have lost a lot. I am currently at 48Kg and I feel good, I want to maintain this weight and I hope that if I gain weight again it will be in muscle and not in fat.

Here I have some pictures of how I am right now


And I see how my muscles are beginning to form and this motivates me even more to continue training, seeing all these small changes in my body, motivates me a lot, I will show off my little muscle in the quadricep.


I still have a long way to go to get to where I want to be with my physique but in the meantime I enjoy the process and try to make it as fun and enjoyable as possible. Of course not everything is rosy because the gym machines hurt a lot and I live full of bruises on my legs and arms, without realizing it I hit or hurt myself with some machine hahaha I think it's mostly because I'm a little clumsy too hahaha here I show you a picture of one of the biggest blows I've done while training.


My purpose in telling this story here is to motivate people because I know that changing habits and breaking behaviors is very difficult but step by step we can achieve it, start changing something in your breakfast or integrating more fruits in your snacks and step by step you will be achieving it, go to train three times a week and your body will thank you, I also tell you that all processes are individual and you should not compare yourself with anyone, but rather look for motivation but not of the type ''I want to be like this person'' but ''I want to train like this, I want to eat this way'' because if you do it from the comparison you will escape from your reality and the moment you return to your reality you will get frustrated and you will say ''this is not for me'', be realistic and not too strict with yourself, make short term goals, for example, three days in a row without sweets, two days without alcohol, a weekend without hamburgers so you can see that step by step it will become a new lifestyle.

Here are some more pictures





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