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RE: Journaling Supplies to Fuel my Book of Creativity

in Lifestyle26 days ago

I love to see that glue stick, as well as the dried flowers.
They remind me of the past, where my siblings and I made Summer holiday scrapbooks.

Perhaps I should bring back the past in my current life, by doing something similar.

I probably have 5 to 10 different journals notebooks, as I keep moving house and keep putting things in different places.

I am not organized enough to keep one single journal at the same time and even rip out pages for groceries, to do lists (not that I make many) and so on, mutilating some of these books instead of caring for them.

This is inspiring though.

Perhaps I will start gluing things in a notebook too.
Giving more love and attention to my notebooks might lead to me actually using them in a more creative way.

Cheers for the reminder!✨❤️


So glad that you liked the flowers and glue stick! Recently I have been trying to include more flowers, especially when I get to visit a special places.

I totally understand your struggle. Normally I keep a few books at a time, one for each aspect of work or life. But, as I prepare to downsize and move in the next year I am trying to simplify life and keep everything in one (or two) notebooks. We will see how that goes in the long run.

One way to start is to keep two books, one that is more aesthetic and another that you can rip pages out of without feeling bad. I wish you luck!!