Skippyjon - Our Newest Member of the Family - Caturday

in Caturdaylast month

Call me weird, but I love Siamese cats. I grew up with one and I have always loved them, so when a friend recently listed some kitties available, I had to jump on the chance to get this little guy.

I don't remember ever reading the book, Skippyjon Jones, but our Skippyjon is named after the main character of a children's book of the same name. As you can see, there's a striking resemblance!

Skippyjon's mama was a striped cat and he had a sibling who was striped, one who was solid black, and a sister who is Siamese like him! My friend who gave him to me said that mama came up to her house skin and bones and she started feeding her and then later found out she was pregnant. Check out Skippyjon right after he was born on March 3! He looked like a little rat!

We love that he also gets along with our son's dog. We have another Siamese, but they aren't exactly friends yet. And he knows to leave our Japanese Akita dog alone!

Skippyjon seems to love to sit on my shoulder like a parrot! He must like being higher than everyone else and all the other animals. He will do this in the evening before the kids go to bed and then run around wild and play after they're out of the room.

Skippyjon loves to play! He plays hard and crashes hard! He seems very happy with his new home, even though it took him a little time to get used to all of us. When he first moved here, he cried (more like screamed) every time we picked him up, but now he is used to it.



He is a sweet kitty and so fun! I'm so glad he is now a part of our family!

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Adorable little rat you have //

😅 Ha! Thanks!

Skippyjon! You're so adorbs!.😻

He really does look like the one on the book. Hehe

Thanks! He really is the cutest little nutty kitty around! Ha!