Rehoming BOB

in Caturday2 years ago

A few months ago I was asked if I could help find a home for a friend's 6-year tabby cat. Long story short a few days later she moved in.

I was told Bobbie or Bobcat for the shot was very much an outdoor no-nonsense moggy. Well, you can teach an old cat new tricks if it suits the cat of course.

She does like sitting in the window and watching the outside and neighbors. And she is easily impressed by fast cars.


But going out, not so much well it is still a bit cold outside. She has the use of a cat door so isn’t stuck inside but as yet apart for a few minutes sat on the steps in the sun she has become an indoor cat.

I did think it was important to set some ground rules before things got out of hand so.

number 1 no climbing the dining room chairs.


Number 2 is no sleeping on the sofa.

Number 3 is not going on the bed.


As all, you Hive cat fans can tell she is NOT the boss of me.


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Give your cats a window with a view and they turn into indoor cats I guess.

that could be the case but she seems happy enough to stay in at the moment.

She's adorable! Haha, the rules went out of the window. How are you getting used to the cat hairs? We used to have a lint roller and vacuumed daily when we had a cat before.

Cat hairs are not so bad i used to have a Maine Coon.

The cat does what the cat wants! She looks like a lovely cat, though... and thanks for giving her a home! It's not as easy to adopt and comfort an older cat — we recently took on one who's almost 14 because her former cat-mum was moving to a somewhat "rough and wild" part of the tropics.



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