If it fits, I sits

in Caturdaylast month


It was me who was pronouncing "meme" as “meh-meh" and instead of just being laughed at by my husband and kids, they told me, "Mommy, you're so cute..." and comforted me while I was feeling so embarrassed.

English is so complicated... "Meh-meh" sounds cuter, don't you think?

Anyway, there's a meme that says, "If it fits, I sits." It is usually attached to an image of a cat fitting perfectly into a small box or something similar. Since cats love to fit into tight spaces, the expression "If it fits, I sit..." fits well. However, every meme I've seen has an "s" added to "sit," which is grammatically incorrect, so I was always curious why they added the "s."
I found out that it originated from an advertisement by the U.S. Postal Service with the slogan "If it fits, it ships" and someone modified it to fit cat images.

Here is my sweet Pepper.

She is another cat that loves to fit into small spaces. She doesn't go into vases or pots, though…
Last night, my husband had left his baseball cap lying around, and Pepper was trying to fit into it. Normally, I would complain about leaving his hat on the table, but since Pepper was being so cute, I let it slide. She seemed satisfied with the warmth under her bottom. I thought there was no way she could lie down inside the ballcap, but she managed to do it.

After a while, she fell asleep in it…more like on it🤣 She was a little bit, or maybe a lot, hanging out of the hat, though 🤣

Cats are funny. I love them!
Happy Caturday!





さてさて、英語のミームに「If it fits, I sits」と言うのがあります。
猫は狭いところに収まるのが好きなので、 If it fits, I sit…と言う表現は本当によく合っているのですが、どのミームを見ても「sit」に「s」が付いてるんですよね。このグラマーは正しくないのに、どうして「s」を付けるのだろうと不思議に思っていました。
調べてみましたら、アメリカの郵便局の広告で「If it fits, It ships(入れば発送)」というキャッチコピーがあって、誰かがそれを文字って猫の画像に付けたのが始まりだそうです。




Happy Caturday!


That’s all for today.

Thanks for visiting!




Hahaha that is so cute. That's another level of "If it fits, I sits" because most of these I see are hard objects that they try to fit in. This one kinda looks like she's just sitting on top of it. XD

I think the grammatically incorrect statement is on purpose just to be cute. I see these a lot in any cat or dog captions where they talk in incorrect grammar on purpose, like a baby. Sometimes misspelled words as well like chimken, car, and some other cute-sounding words like bonk, etc I couldn't think of anything else for now but there's plenty haha.

I totally forgot about writing the point of why it’s grammatically incorrect! You are right! It make it sounds like a baby word!

Hermoso gato, como dice el dicho "si quepo me siento"

I don’t understand how such a small space is comfortable to sleep on but she seemed liked it a lot!😆

I don't need a lot of space, isn't it? that might be the massage pepper trying to show you.

Pepper has the whole top bunk bed to herself, yet she wants to fit into such a small and uncomfortable place! Pepper is probably thinking that she rule the house so she can do as she wish🤣

She looks as calm and slow, like a boa constrictor! 🎈 !LUV

She is calm but if I bother her too much, she will throw her cat punch like snake jumping on you!🤣

'A secret slumbering power' :P

「If it fits, It ships(入れば発送)」には笑い&納得しました。そういうことでしたか!



メメ読みのようなこと、日常茶飯時です。日本語の造語的なのも読み方が危ういのがたくさんあります。If it fits, I sitsというのがあるのですね〜。はやるキャッチコピーを作るのがみなさん上手ですね;)
