Cute cat sleeping

in Caturday4 months ago


Cats are one of the animals closest to humans and we can see this in various parts of the world using cats as life companions. Even those who often travel often bring cats as their friends for recreation so that at every opportunity during the day they see cats sleeping with their owners. in one room. But also this includes animals that have a high stick and body language informed by the owner will be quickly easy to understand and it is ready to see it today in this large community. This is my first post in this large community and I also hope that this will be a post that starts our introduction to my cat lover friends through a post Unitin continues to invite us to continue to preserve or continue to improve our friendship with cats because it's like we know cats. is the animal closest to humans and which is extinct, understands the body language that we show to cats. These are some pictures that I have taken, I hope my friends like them and for cat lovers, greetings from me.




Hello Friend.

The first Tag is wrong, the correct is #caturday, cats are great pets!

Many people love cats 😻 I justo one like them. Great photos and nice cat. Have a great day.🐱