Getting Along With Minggay, Our Neighbor's Cat

in Caturdaylast year


Since our yard is vast, animals both wild and domesticated, love to hang out around its surroundings. Birds love to perch on the trees as their melodic chirps can be heard over sound of the rustling leaves while neighborhood pets like dogs and cats love to roam around or bask on the ground where there is adequate sunlight to keep them warm or hide under the undergrowths. While looking for moringa fruits to pick, I noticed some movements at the pile of tree debris which I thought to be a mouse or a snake so I hurriedly look for a stick and some rocks to get rid of whatever kind of unwelcomed critter that is hiding. But to my relief because it is not an unwanted critter that I have to deal with but a pet cat owned by one of our neighbors!
Instead of dispelling her away from the spot where I found her, I just let her stay on the place and let her enjoy what she is doing because by basing to her looks, she is a nice cat that only want to spend some time in our yard. She have a mix of orange and white fur that looks so tidy and her eyes are very captivating of which I did not waste a time to take some photograph session with her.
Though she seemed to so curious at the way she looks at me, I can sense that she feels not threatened with my presence so I remained to take photographs of her while she shows me her cute brown eyes that still wide open.
Then she slightly moved her head as if she sensed something at the undergrowth beside the moringa tree and her eyes shifted their focus to probe what is underneath the vegetation.
She remained that way perhaps to determine what is hiding under the vegetation might be an insect, a mouse or heaven forbid, or a snake as cats have very strong sense of hearing that can hear even the slightest of sounds.
Then by lightning speed, she moved toward the vegetation and a frog jumped off and I was not able to pinpoint where it took refuge. Minggay was not bothered from where the frog jumped into and she concealed herself amidst the leaves as if she is playing hide and seek with something or perhaps with me?!
I tried to reach out my hand supposedly to gently pat her head and to pick her out to hold her but she refused and hid her face.
She kept her face to be concealed by the leaves for about two minutes perhaps she only want me to watch her cute antics.
So I put off my hand away from her and remain watching her and she looked towards me and showed me again her face. What a funny cute orange cat is this!
Still her eyes are looking towards me, might be she need a presence of a human being that can understand a cat like her, a human being that is not a threat to harm a cat or any animal and one thing is for sure, she can sense that from me.

She stayed there for long by just looking at me and I just allowed her on that situation until I heard that her handler calls her up and I took my final shot of her before she ran away towards their home. That's all for now and happy Caturday everyone!