in Caturday4 years ago

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Scary Mary in her favorite spot by the east window... Doing some fur cleaning in the sun...

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Starts out with a back scratch ...

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Something ain't right... that spot needs more attention.. A video is necessary to show the rest of the grooming...

No that's Dexter in the picture for the video..I don't know how that got there...

Funny how a cat will spend so much time licking in one spot while neglecting the rest of all that fur...



Sometimes I envy cats! They could scratch their backs easily!! LoL

I know what you mean 😊

Hahaha. Thanks!

Cats love to lie by the window in the sun😀

Me too...😊😺

Sammi Jo is a clean freak also...

Hairball time... LoL!

Been awhile since we have done this tho...

Bath Time Sammi 1272013.jpg

I wouldn't try it today..