my pet cat

in Caturdaylast year

Hi all, how are you today.
Greetings to meet again and best wishes to all cat lovers who we are very proud of.
In today's edition, I want to return to one of the beautiful cats, and of course this is a cat that makes me very interested.


Taking care of cats is very fun, because cats have a very cute impression and are very good to be pets at home,

I have been very happy since raising this cat because with the beauty of its soft fur it is very adorable.


With a variety of colors, maybe we can have it according to our preferences, because many cats have different types of fur colors that we can have, and sometimes we can also own and care for these cats from childhood to adulthood,
For pets, cats are also very necessary in caring for and also giving healthy food so that they can grow fat, and have a very beautiful impression.



That's all friends, for the type of cat that is currently still under my care, I hope that friends will also really like cats, and continue to provide the best for every animal we care for

thanksyou @darsico



Oh cuties! All of them are cute but somehow I love the grey one. Lovely photos :)

everything looks so adorable