Caturday Photo Session

in Caturday3 years ago

Happy Caturday!

Today I have prepared a bunch of photos of cute stray cats. The post office in our neighbourhood is an old building with stairs leading to the entrance. Under the stairs there is some free space where cats found shelter. There they raised their little ones. One day the whole colony was on the stairs. Small and big.






Yesterday I saw few of the cats to come out of the office of the insurance broker. The office is next to the post office entrance and the door was wide opened. The cats just knew someone was bringing them food and gathered around.

Next shots are from my workplace, where this ginger cat was casually walking and observing his domain.


Of course, like any other cat, he likes the sun and to roll over.


Then he moved a bit further and I followed him.


Again he decided to roll and stretch.


Look at his paws and sharp nails


Better when the nails are kept away. Oh, he winks. 😉


And guess who this is? No, not the same cat, but his offspring by its look. The ginger kitten was just in front of the canteen, the best place to hang out if you are a cat, if you ask me.


And that is all for this Caturday. I wish you purrrrfect day!

Cat dividers by @eve66

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Такива постове ми пълнят душата 😍❤🥰

Това много ме радва.🙂
Котките са много фотогенични и с голямо удоволствие ги снимам.

Ооо да 😍 Уникални са 🥰

Beautiful shots!
I just love marmalade kitties. There is something about them that is a little bit human. When I was a teenager we had one named George. I would cradle him in my arms and he would reach up and stroke my face with his paw.
Happy Caturday :)

I like that - marmalade cats 😀
My youngest cat is called George and he is such a rascal, but he likes to cuddle and paw my face.

George is a great cat name. A name only for Great cats. ;)

You have done a very good job by getting this lovely pictures @nelinoeva

Thanks @tobywalter for stopping by and leaving a comment. Glad you like my photos.

Thanks for having me @nelinoeva

great pictures

Thank you kindly.