Caturday - Siblings chilling in the garden

in Caturday9 months ago

Hello and welcome to another #Caturday post! This time I am sharing photos I took a while ago - I have a small collection of cat photos but somehow I miss to post them on Saturday's so I'll try to catch up...


Here we have siblings that are just over a year old. I named the black and white cat Oreo and the other one doesn't have a name yet. These are feral cats so naming them doesn't really make sense, it's more just for fun.

Last year two cats gave birth, one on our property and the other one at our neighbor's properly so at one point we had seven kittens running around... Again, since these are feral cats, sometimes it happens that kitten disappear at some point and even adult cats who spend some time around suddenly disappear. I have no idea what happens to them, maybe males go wander around when it's mating time...

While Oreo is quite silly and always strikes weird poses for the camera, the other cat is quite chill. By the way, I never check to see if these little ones are boys or girl but recently I noticed that Oreo is a girl and her sibling is a boy. He is the only kitten out of seven who likes to be petted, Oreo allowed me to pet her a few times and the rest would just run away if tried to be approached.

Oreo always has the weirdest sleeping positions! They always find shade for hiding from the sun and they sleep a lot - I guess there's nothing better to do on this heat! I wonder how long these two will stay around and if they are going to decide to go for a quest to find a new home...

Thank you for stopping by, I'll try to share #Caturday posts more frequently! :)



Omg, they are sooooo cute, and they know how to pose, although they don't have idea about it, lol. I love the first picture btw, I love the surrounding too, which is a perfect spot for these cuties ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

They both say thank you for your nice words, hehe! :)
There's plenty of space for them in our garden but also at our neighbor's garden, it's all one big open space without fences or anything so they can roam around as much as they like. :D