A Random Kitten Is Coming to Our House and She Looks Like a Mini Female Version of Our Missing Cat!

in Caturdaylast month

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Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog. Our family have no cats since our latest stray cat we used to feed is missing a month ago after long holiday. Yesterday, we got a mini version of it coming into our house ! Is it his reincarnation ? 😃


Cat in Our Little Family and The Missing Jackie

We don't bring any cats when moving to this place last year, but there is a stray cat that used to come for food and we often feed him, we named him Jackie.

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Since Jackie was a stray cat, he often comes out and don't want to just sit at the house, and for sanity reason (we had 2 children 1 and 3 years old at that time), we decide to just feed him but not let him to stay on the night on the house. Last month, when there is a long holiday, we go abroad the island for around 3 weeks, and when we are back, Jackie are no longer coming to our house. There is some theory about the missing Jackie, my wife thought someone might put him away because Jackie sometimes hunt the little chicken of people around. I personally think that Jackie might be dead, becaue he looks so old, and got a health problem (he often sneezing before we left him for holiday). FYI, there is no veterinarian on this tiny Island, so we can't check for it.


A Random Kitten Enter Our House

1 month without any cat, I got a phone call from my wife when I was worked yesterday, said my son had a pet. I thought she was joking, because we played a game named play together which have a pet feature, and we want to create new ID for our son, so yeah I thought it was the virtual pet on there. I got suprised when coming home and see a kitten that looks like a mini Jackie!

My wife said this kitten was found by my younger son that tell her "there is a cat!" , then she found that kitten was already come into our house. That the moment she called me for telling that, and decide to feend and keep that kitten until I coming home.

My son named this Kitten Catnet (should be CatNap),inspired by a cat on a gamer youtube video. We wait if someone might looks for a missing kitten, but no one looks own this Kitten. We also let this female kitten to go out and wait if she might go elsewhere, but she coming back again. So we decide to keep her as our pet !

Here is some picture of her

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Now I got someone that keeps yelling on me and won't let me cooking in peace 😅

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Looking for attention

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Playing around with us

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And what important is my son happy with her 😊


Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, I hope this kitten would grow healthy and happy with us. Do you think she looks like a mini Jackie ? Please let me know by put it on comment section!

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Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
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~ Thank You ~


aww... cuteness... well, I hope the little fluffball gets to stay with you... seems so happy where she's at ;)

!CATtip 10 CAT

happy caturday 🐈

I hope so !
thanks for the kind message and the tip token sir 😊

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$PIZZA slices delivered:
@ramadhanight(1/5) tipped @fraenk

🤩 !PGM