Caturday Catsnaps =^..^= by Sunscape

in Caturdaylast month (edited)


This month my princess Chej'u turns 15 or maybe 16 years old. It is hard to remember when we got her and hard to believe we have had her for so many years.


She usually does not like it when I take photos of her but seemed not to mind during this photo session.


I think she was annoyed with me getting in her space. Just like that, the photos were over, and off she went to the bedroom.


On this day I found her sitting in the corner, now what was going on there I do not know. Sometimes cats do the oddest things, don't they? Happy Caturday to all our feline furbabies.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

3- sun smile.jpg


She's very beautiful. She reminds me of my Theo, a Ragdoll. I miss that guy.

I'm sure you miss Theo, it is always hard when our fur babies pass on. Chej'u is a ragdoll I inherited from my son when his firstborn was allergic and the second son worse than the first. Now, I get to enjoy her.

Wow! Your cat couldn’t be that old. She looks very pretty and young.

Yes, my cat does still look young but she is an old lady now.

Wooo 15 years❤️❤️❤️❤️

I think so, or maybe 16 years. It is hard to remember when we got her.

Imagine it's many years!

She is beautiful!

Thank you, Nina.

How pretty your princess “Cheju” is and how good it is that she has been in your home for a long time, if the kittens don't want her to invade their space.
Beautiful photographs @sunscape
have a nice day

Thank you, Abi she is a great cat. Have a great day.