Caturday Catsnaps for Saturday's Bath Time =^..^= by Sunscape

in Caturday15 days ago


My very lazy cat is taking a bath after eating some treats.


I find it funny how she overly focuses on cleaning her paws after eating.

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Finally, she decides to use the wet paw to wash her face.

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By the time I finished getting dressed, she was content with the process and settled in for a catnap.


She will lie on the bed for the majority of the day to stay safe from the dog harassing her.


I love how she always crosses her leg over the right one as if she were posing for a professional photo shoot. ;-)
Happy Caturday to all my fellow feline lovers.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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She’s a very stylish cat who used to be on international catwalks!

What a pretty kitty! She did seem to enjoy her bath and I bet she does love laying on the bed all day long!

She thinks she is the princess or perhaps the queen of the bed. lol Have a great weekend.

Poor cat needs shower and a bar of soap //


Hahaha, I will let you give it a shower! I lucky can cut her nails more or less give her a bath.

Lucky you can cut nails ..

Yea, only about two or three at a time before she bites or claws the crap out of my hands. ;-)

Oh, not so good //

She's very pretty and she does pretty things.. 😄
I hear cats are very hygienic beings, I don't know if it's true because I have never had one.

She is a very clean cat and a joy to have. I used to have 4 but they all died of old age. She is 15 now and still looking strong.