Caturday: 🌅 sunbath at the door🐱

in Caturday4 months ago

Greetings cat lover friends...🐱


Another #caturday Saturday, like every time I have been able, I make an appointment in this community to share about some adventure or experience with my dear kitten Katire, on this occasion, he took a sunbath at the door and then play.


The sun at 7 in the morning seemed to be very strong as reflected by my kitty Katire on his face hahaha...☺️maybe they enjoy a while under the sun in the morning preferably, where he really looks more radiant and especially he who is a yellow or orange cat how I want it! He is adorable!


When there is a cloud the sun sets briefly and then he can pay attention to different things out there and his little eyes dilate a little and he turns his head from one side to the other, as if searching for something or wanting to know everything. Beautiful my cute kitty Katire!


My little son loves playing with the kitten Katire in the hammock. They are both very happy and have a unique connection and understand each other. Together in the morning while I make breakfast for everyone, they are happy and playing until they drop.


And good to vary a rest or sleep before continuing to play, enjoying the sun, the delicious gatarina or cat food, playing hunt and running everywhere regardless of the paraplegia condition he has, this is our kitten Katire.

Thanks for visiting my post today with my kitten. Every day is an adventure and here is the most beautiful one to share with you.

All photos are my property taken with my Redmi 9T smartphone, Venezuela.
