The #BeerSaturday - Last Minutes Dark Beer / 冬が終わる前の駆け込み黒ビール

in BEER3 months ago

I saw @go-kyo, aka Hive JA mama, post last week on #BeerSaturday. How could I live in beer country and not participate in Beer Saturday!

The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 350

I stopped by an organic store wondering what kind of beer to write about. Then I found the black beer from my favorite organic brand was half price! It is really difficult to pick one in the Beer country so I jumped on the half price dark beer.


The label said "Dunkle Weiße" (black white) ... I'm glad it was a black beer, as I expected.

I was wondering what to pair it with, and I was going to pair it with potatoes, but after eating all the delicious food at a local market, I was too full ・・・・・・・・, so I decided to pair it with cheese. Winter-ish heavy cheese fit well with the beer.

By the way, thebeer foam didn't come to the glass at all. I wondered it's because of my poor technique or it's the reason it had half the price. I'm going to research how to pour beer that will look good for Beer Saturday and take pictures of beer 😊

Anyways, I like the taste of winter. I was about to go through the winter without drinking any dark beer at all this season, so this was a good opportunity. Thank you @go-kyo & #beersaturday!

I love to drink beer during the warmer months, so I'll be enjoying a variety of beers this spring and summer and look forward to sharing them to Beer Saturday.

Have a great weekend 🍻

🍺 🍺 🍺

Hive JAのお母さんこと @go-kyo さんが #BeerSaturday に先週投稿しているのを見て、ビールの国に住んでいるのにBeer Saturdayに参加しないなんて!と筆を取ることにしました。


そんなこんなで「Dunkle Weiße」(黒い白)ってどんな色なのというビールを買ってきました。期待通り黒ビールでよかったです。


それにしても、このビール泡が全然グラスに出ず。瓶に蓋をしてふったら泡が立ったものの私の入れ方が悪かったのか、50%オフだったからか・・・。Beer Saturdayのために映えるビールの入れ方やビール写真研究しようかな😊


暖かい季節には冷たいビールを飲むのが大好きなので、この春夏はBeer Saturdayにかこつけていろいろなビールを楽しもうと思います。

良い週末を 🍻


「Dunkle Weiße」(黒い白)」に大爆笑😂です。




Half price? Definitely it was meant to be!

It was a good sign to pick the beer. I could enjoy dark beer in the end of the winter 😊

WOW! What a selection on those shelves! I would be buying the 50% off beer even if it was shite!

A dunkel and some wonderful cheese seem like the perfect snack right now.

I am spending the colder months enjoying beer thinking about the warmer months when I can drink more !BEER

 2 months ago  

Hey @akipponn, here is a little bit of BEER from @zekepickleman for you. Enjoy it!

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