MY ALTERNATIVE BEER- Saturday Beer Challenge

in BEER3 months ago

Hello Wonderful people of the BEER community, here's my entry into the Week 344 #BeerSaturday Challenge. As usual, it is organized by @detlev and sponsored by host of other hivians as mentioned in his post.

Today I would be talking about my alternative beer 🍻.

I take Trophy Premium Larger Beer whenever I am not able to take Heineken


Trophy larger beer is brewed in Nigeria by International Breweries Industry and since its existence, its been doing well to deliver to customer an amazing yet refreshing taste.

It was first launched in 1978 by International Breweries in osun state and has since then stayed on top of its league.


Just like most beer, Trophy Lager Beer has 5% alcohol volume putting it in it's best state, it is further made from fermented sugar that is derived from cereal grains or malted barely. The barley in it gives it a very soothing taste that will blow your mind away.


There's no beer in this life that is not best served when chilled, but I tell you, the taste of trophy when is cold is second to none.


The feeling is so amazing , you can end up taking up to 4-5bottles if you are in the midst of friends or if you have something on the side munching.... I'm talking about stick meat, smoked fish, peppersoup and the likes.


I take more than 8bottles of beer per week, on the average, atleast a bottle per day. It's been an amazing experience.

Finally, the feeling that comes with having cold bottle of can of trophy beer is so amazing, soothing and refreshing that you cant but keep always wanting more.


And yes:

This is #BeerSaturday week 344 and as usual, I would like to invite @undisputedrar who is my friend to write a post in any language of his choice about beer with at least 3 pictures or more according to the rules of the contest.

Thanks you so much wonderful people of hive for reading through my post always, I sincerely hope to see you around some other time.


There's no beer in this life that is not best served when chilled,

That's not true:

Horké pivo jsem pil jedinkrát v životě a už bych to asi opakovat nechtěl :-). Je ale fakt, že tenkrát mi to pomohlo od pořádného nachlazení :-D

Existují pivní styly, které se nepijí studené. Tradičně. Neříkám, že horké pivo je můj šálek kávy, ale nedalo mi to - musel jsem reagovat :))

Něco by o tom asi mohla vykládat @pivnidenicek. Pokud vím, tak v Polsku to bývalo docela běžné. Pivo se ohřívalo i v restauracích.

Přesně tak, každá správná hospoda mívala ohříváček, který host na vyžádání dostal :) Prý si o něj říkali hlavně štamgasti pokročilého věku, kterým příliš studené pivo nedělalo dobře :)

Už jsem toho ochutnal hodně, ale ohříváčkem ohřáté pivo ještě ne :)

Z vyprávění vím, že můj praděda (byl Polák) jinak než ohřáté pivo nepil. A v zimě si do toho ještě přidával lžičku medu :-)

A nebyl to ve skutečnosti čaj? ;)

Oh wow, never thought that was possible mehn

There's perhaps still a lot to learn about beer then. I'd start with any local craft microbrewery if I were you. You may then find the industrial brews rather plain.

Absolutely, will delve into that asap really... A lot to learn indeed.

Thanks for stopping by