Forty more winners of #BeerSaturday - got PAID

in BEER3 months ago


After several weeks with a sick #BeerSaturday bot, there was a huge load of work left over for "poor" @detlev.

All the post of the week 346, 347, 348 and 349 where done more or less by hand. I learned how to use ChatGPT to create the tables with the winners, and teached the KI as well to draw the winners by random. But it took still a huge amount of time.

All transfers where done today, means we are "back on the track" again. Hopefully the always a bit drunken bot will do all this work again this Friday and as well on Saturday. We will see.

40 Winners

Week 349

@ablaze6 HIVE
@duskobgd7 BEER
@josiva1 LEO
@heroldius250 POINTS
@danigada185 HIVE
@abeerhunter5 BEER
@seckorama1 LEO
@marianomariano250 POINTS
@leaky203 HIVE
@stortebeker4 BEER

Week 348

@seckorama6 HIVE
@yelimarin7 BEER
@lxsxl1 LEO
@abeerhunter250 POINTS
@hoosie5 HIVE
@marianomariano5 BEER
@zekepickleman1 LEO
@bucipuci250 POINTS
@ablaze3 HIVE
@godfish4 BEER

Week 347

@psalmy056 HIVE
@iamchimary7 BEER
@danigada181 LEO
@seckorama250 POINTS
@yelimarin5 HIVE
@godfish5 BEER
@abeerhunter1 LEO
@josiva250 POINTS
@mdosev3 HIVE
@holler4 BEER

Week 346

@marianomariano6 HIVE
@heroldius7 BEER
@josiva1 LEO
@sagesigma250 POINTS
@eliany5 HIVE
@leaky205 BEER
@abeerhunter1 LEO
@psalmy05250 POINTS
@ablaze3 HIVE
@fermentedphil4 BEER

Word clouds

I made this word clouds of the winners and bottles as well with some AI help. It worked more or less, so - judge by yourself.


Week 350 is still active

(C) by pixabay and modified by @detlev for #beersaturday


Many thanks to @arcange, @pfunk, @stoodkev, @balte, @alexvan, @cryptobrewmaster, @louis88 and @melinda010100 for their POWERFUL support.

PS: If you have a token, a community, a game, or anything else on Hive and you would like to sponsor the #BeerSaturday challenge, feel free to contact me on Discord #or drop a comment.

Support our Witnesses

I'm running the new detlev.witness. Your support is welcome, It's just a few clicks!

You may also consider voting for those great witnesses: arcange, pfunk and louis.witness.

Special thanks to everyone who upvoted the #BeerSaturday posts lately

@abeerhunter @jedigeiss @manniman @pixelfan @primalamusica @sd974201

Looking forward to seeing your Beer posts this week

Yра -Saludos - Bodoh - Cheers - Prost - 欢呼声 - dzięki - 乾杯 - спасибо - proost - наздраве - aplausos

@Detlev loves Hive

More about @Detlev
Get / shop my book by HIVE
Join the BeerSaturday Challenge



This is so cool, thank you! Cheers and enjoy a cold one!!

Yes, these bots are a nuisance, they break down just when they don't need to.
But at the end of the day, things always get fixed. 😜🍻

Thank you for the Hive, I appreciate it.

Thanks for the beer and the Hive!

Thanks for everything my friend @detlev

Your community is wonderful, congratulations on the excellent work.

Beer brings people together!

Let's see if we can grow it to 20+ people per week.

I have some more prizes waiting for this....

It would be something excellent, there is little left to exceed the target of 20 weekly participants.

The world clouds look cool :) Thanks for the BEERS won for drinking beer :))

Ich muss dringend wieder mehr über !BEER schreiben. Mehr Zeit wäre schön!

Gruß und bis bald!

Wir vermissen Dich bereits ganz dolle....

Also Prost und her mit den Bildern

 3 months ago  

Hey @detlev, here is a little bit of BEER from @ynwa.andree for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href=' can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

Woohoo! Congratulations everybody!