Porter-style black beer, from Mendoza

in BEER8 months ago

A few days ago I bought this beer at a local in the city that usually brings some rare varieties, so take advantage and buy a different beer to try.
This beer traveled almost 900 kilometers to end up at my house.



His name is somewhat peculiar but what caught my attention the most was his poem written on the label:
“may the earth make its way in front of you, may the breeze blow warm behind your back, may the sun shine gently in front of your eyes, may the rain fall generously on your fields, and until we meet again, may God bless you. bless and keep you in the palm of his hand”

San Patric from Ireland

Regarding the flavor, it was good but it was lost due to excess gas. In summary, if it didn't have much gas, it would be worth it as a beer.