Camp Nowhere

in BEER4 years ago

My friend has been telling me about this placed called Camp nowhere. It seemed like a perfect excuse for a #beersaturday challenge. So despite the fact that I was scheduled to work in the the early am. I decided to go.


The atmosphere is lively. I love the set up.



It was a nice change to the routine. It was a nice comfortable place. The seats made out of kegs were put away. Due to the covid guidelines.


The weather was perfect. The night was perfect. Yet the people were chill. For a moment it seemed like another day.




I ordered myself a Hazy little Beer Ipa. It's a tasty little beer.


My friends were having a blast. I was just chilling. Later on I ordered myself a monkey fist.


They ordered themselves a a drink. Though I don't remember the name of it. I would ask them, yet I doubt the would remember.


I considered ordering food. Yet the guidelines for restaurants are pretty nonsensical. Though I did browse the menu.


It was kinda hot that night. Though the outside area had a pretty sweet setup. The fans had built in mist sprays. It was actually really refreshing. IMG_20200720_010735.jpg


Overall it was a fun experience. The pricing wasn't too bad either. It'll be fun to come back, and try some of their food.

I hope you enjoyed my #beersaturday challenge. It's hosted by @detlev and supported by the #beer community.

Thanks for sharing with me.
God bless.


What a novel concept - a bar, and a fun night out with friends

Haha very true.