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RE: More #BeerSaturday on #HIVE - week 166 calls you to join

in BEER4 years ago

This week of #BeerSaturday, I like to invite @jlufer to write a post about beer with min. 3 pics in any language.

**Esta semana de #beersaturday me gustaria invitar ha @jlufer ha escribir un post sobre El tema de cerbesa. Con un minino de 3 fotos de cerbesa, y en cual lenguje que prifiera. :)


I appreciate from the heart that you invited me dear friend @dreamingirwin I am going to prepare an entry, this is a drink that I like a lot, I can talk about them.
have a beautiful night

Yes! I picked the right person... :)

I edited my post and added it, but wasn't sure if it would notify on an edit. So I posted it here. Also. Lol