BeerSaturday: My Story

in BEER7 months ago

I've always wondered what beer tastes like. I imagined it, visualized drinking some, but wasn't allowed to buy it for myself. I grew up with my grandma who preferred the local wine , probably because she cooks it but she never allowed us to have a taste of it or the bottled beer- as she called it. Beside our house were beer shops and these places were always busy. I could only wonder what thing about beer made men troop in and out all through the day. I knew someday I'll have a taste of it and this happened in the year 2022.

Like a bird set free, I finally had the opportunity to explore my curiosity when I was posted to one of the states in the western part of my country, Nigeria. I wanted the best and a friend I had made during our camping days recommended The Guinness drink. I've seen adverts of it, the foams that pops up each time it hits the poured liquor, the movement it makes with each gulp down the throat as one swallows it. I sat patiently waiting for my order to be delivered.

A chill bottle of Guinness beer was placed before me and opened gently, I watched it pop up but soon settled. Beside it was a hot pepper soup, and I couldn't wait to have my first taste. I couldn't for sure tell its taste with my first gulp, a little bitter and a little sweet, it just seems to create a balance between good and bad and the coldness made it all wonderful. The more I swallowed each gulp, the more I liked the taste. I saw my friend anxiously watch as I emptied the bottle of beer. He enquired if this was truly my first time and I nodded, he chuckled and continued with his,

"Please this one bottle is enough" he said when he noticed i wanted to ask for more.

I tried other beers after that day, but I still prefer the Guinness drink when served cold. The bittersweet taste makes it all loving when cold. My curiosity drew me to a world of beer.

Drink responsibly

A code I don't forget.

This is my response to the BeerSaturday Contest. The contest is still active until Thursday


Wow nice one.

Thank You

Yay! 🤗
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Guinness is one of the best beers and the taste is natural with slight cool taste and it's best enjoyed when cold.

Yes, I agree with you on that

Interesting. That's cool

Guineas is a very great beer. I enjoy it too but I sometimes consider it a female brand of beer because, lots of women like taking it. So I don't see myself taking a brand of beer that's the favorite of ladies.😁 prefer anything masculine right?

Am an African man. 😁