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RE: A Special Birthday Beer: Devil's Peak King's Blockhouse IPA and a Continual and Yearly Story

in BEER2 months ago

Thank you so much! And you as well. I hope that the day was special and full of celebrations, as it should be! We have many dreams that we hope will come to fruition and bloom in the fertile soil that we root ourselves in. Keep well and many blessings for you as well!


As you know, the day is now long gone and forgotten, but I think that we had just another ordinary day, as we are not big on parties and celebrations. But it was good to reach the big 70.
Dreams remain dreams if they are not clothed in action, but nothing is impossible for determined minds.

Blessings also to you guys and have some Hive craft !BEER

I replied to this one in the other comments!

 2 months ago  

Hey @fermentedphil, here is a little bit of BEER from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

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