Is It Too Early For Marzen??????

in BEER9 months ago


Me and the @Mrshandofzara headed for the hills on #beersaturday eve, which was yesterday afternoon, or as some might know it Friday evening. It was so hot, I half froze to death. It rained so hard when we started but fortunately the weather it was dry. I humbly apologize if I seem to be rambling this #beersaturday but @detlev is actually very serious about the word count these days.

Apparently he employs some sort of electro-bot gadget to count the words and #beersaturday has become a real stickler for the word count. In case you are wondering the post must contain a minimum of two hundred words.

Screenshot 2023-09-09 at 17-01-26 Deep Thoughts Meme Generator - Imgflip.png

I most definitely made up the word "electro-bot" or so I thought until I did a google search and found out that the "Electro Bot", which should not be confused with the word "electro-bot" as I just made it up, is a device that regulates CPUs and electricity flow. According to the reviews, which in no way were written by paid "customers" to write positive reviews online and drive sales, is Electro Bot is a wonderful product.


I ponder if it is too early for a marzen lager?


So maybe, just maybe the Mrs@handofzara and I ran into a bear on our hike yesterday.

What do you think of that?

Well, we did not run into a bear on our hike but the last few words added to the word count which clearly is a great idea.

So I once again must ask is it too early for a marzen lager?

Do I have enough words to start to drink?


I was going to write a short and sweet little missive that although we are still in early September and Marzen is usually served during Oktoberfest, that it is never too early to drink this seasonal beer that is brewed in March.


If you can't tell, my post last week on #beersaturday did not qualify for the contest.

There are only three rules:

First - the post must have at least 3 pictures
Second- use the hashtag #beersaturday
Third - 200+ words

Any guesses why, my post did not qualify?

The first person to guess correctly in the COMMENTS wins a BEER TOKEN! So go ahead take a guess.

Personally, I think it is a bit much to ask a beer swilling illiterate such as myself to write 200+ words about anything let alone while in a semi-sober state. Mind you once I have had two or three or six beers, I could probably write a post longer than War and Peace, although I doubt I have enough RC to ever publish such a post, I could write it.

Good news, I have more than two Marzen Lagers in me and way way way way way more than some silly 200 words in this post!

Do you think the "electro-bot" would notice that I used way way way way way too many "ways" in the previous sentence simply to boost the word count. Apparently word counts matter, whereas quality seldom does. This is preciously the problem in our emerging quantto-techno world!

See I just made up another new word, "quanto-techno" defined as the technological counting of things that do not really matter but fit a predefined quantity of things to be counted.

For example the number of words in a #beersaturday post by the almost famous @handofzara full of sound and fury signifying nothing!

As to the phrase "full of sound and fury signifying nothing!"; another BEER TOKEN for whoever first in the COMMENTS can tell me the play and the author from which this phrase comes.

Do you think the "electro-bot" will count my made up words? Or is the quanto-techno perimeters sophisticated enough to ignore the new words that @handofzara is creating tonight on #beersaturday? And if these are new words, why should these newly created words not be counted?

AI and electro-bot ain't got nothing on the old @handofzara!

Screenshot 2023-09-09 at 18-06-47 Photo - Google Photos.png

BEER NAME: Clawhammer Oktoberfest
STYLE: Marzen Lager
ABV: 5%
BREWER: Highland Brewing of Asheville, North Carolina
APPEARANCE: deep amber, pours with a small head, clear
AROMA: malts
TASTE: toasted malts
MOUTHFEEL: medium body, light carbonation with a clean finish
OVERALL: hits all the "quanto-techno" requirement for a marzen lager and yet exceeds the mere pre-defined check marks with a wonderful smooth subtlety that can not be defined but must be experienced.

By the looks of the number of words in this post, I just might be out of beer!

If you have read this far then please know, this post was written in good humor or perhaps not seeing as I am out of beer and spent the last hour or so drinking marzen and plinking away at the keyboard.

Good news, I am not out of beer. so false alarm there!

See y'all next #beersturday with a minimum of two hundred words of a quality post and not this way way way way over the top attempt to impress the unimpressed electro-bot that is currently counting the words typed in my simple blog.

Welcome to the quanto-techno world!


The drink will really taste great 👍

Cheers! I prefer to drink beer in the afternoon or evening. If I start in the morning, I run the risk of not remembering where I left off that day. :)

The color of that beer is looking so inviting. A would like to have a taste of it.

It is not too early but it is advisable to have eaten something before you drink the beer

Your words are piled high like a tall foam on your beer. It took me a long time to "bite through" the foam :-).

Never too early for a beer! Good thing they count your words for you before you publish!

All these drinks looks so tasty. Enjoy your drink and day. Cheer's.

I like the colour of this beer, It making it more yummier.

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