Grand Cru -- Flander's Classic

in BEER7 months ago

Yes, it was Saturday again. That means #beersaturday! It has been a very long time since I participated this challenge, but with a nice brewsky in the fridge ready for consumption I figured why not!

Today, I'm enjoying a grand cru. Rodenbach Grand Cru to be precise. It's a fresh sour beer that I like a lot. It's a beer for certain days.

Rodenbach Grand Cru, in particular, is what is often called a Flemish red brown. In the Belgian coastal area this beer is combined with freshly peeled shrimp. In other regions its combined with charcuterie. Due to its distinct sour flavour it's not for everyone.

My fridge didn't have any of those in it unfortunately. I just enjoy it pure as is. And while I don't own the correct glass, I pored it in a local alternative by Cornelius Bräu. This brewery is from Aachen close to where I live.

The Rodenbach Grand Cru is also quite special as it is aged in oak barrels which are called Foeders in Dutch. This adds to it's distinct flavour.

The first time I came across this sort of beers I was hooked. I remember it very clearly. It was a Duchesse de Bourgogne. Although technically this is an old brown, this beer is also aged in barrels and has a sour taste.

Other interesting Belgian beer with a sour taste that I like are Geuze and Kriek. Perhaps I'll write a post about those in the future.

Thanks for dropping by and cheers to all!


A nice beer. I had it once.

As being an „Oescher“ I know Cornelius beer for shure.

Btw. Did you saw the #HiveMeetupAachen 11 safe the date?? We meet at „Hopfen and Malz“ at the 17.the of November

Haha, Cornelius is actually one I like a lot! Hence the glass :) I didn't know about the meet-up, but I leave for Edinburgh coming Friday for three week unfortunately. Seems like every time the Aachen one is organised I'm not there 😱

I have not had this bear before. This is because it's not very popular in this part of the world. It has the real foam of a bear and I trust you enjoyed it.

Hey yes it was very good! Where are you located and what beers do they have over there?

The beer is seductive base on it's color. I wish I can have a taste of it. But, the issue is that it's not available in my city and country as well.

Thanks for the review.

Wishing you good luck

Ah too bad! Perhaps there’s other nice ones available where you are? Where are you located?

Nigeria n you?

The Netherlands 👍

Wow. So I now have a friend from Netherlands. Welcome dear friend