Bought This One Because Of The Design

in BEER3 years ago

A beer on a chill Saturday evening. The 'Paix Dieu' is a Belgian Abbey Triple of 10%. Some do consider it a Barley Wine at that percentage. For a 'Tripel' I do find it taste quite strong in the alcohol department. Light bitterness, soft sweetness and not like something I tasted before.

A 7 out of 10, pretty decent, would go down well with some sharp seasoned food, I guess.

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I'm back from 2 weeks on greece water aka Mythos or so - looking forward for some Belgium beers for this day....

sure, the light beers from greece a perfect for the hot days to cool down, but not so much for the taste.

Cannot remember if I ever had some beer from Greece. My preference us towards special brews. From Double to Quadruple and things inbetween. Or things like whisky infused and barley wine.

Still have a Belgian Tripel LeFort, a Chimay Tripel and a Chimay 2021 left on the shelf. Think I'll enjoy a LeFort this evening.

Zum wohl, prost!

I can see why you would have choosen it - a very cool design

Yes, it is quite different from what I'm used to. And I was expecting a taste too match, I guess. Not bad at all though.

Loving the beer glass! Special vessel for a special beer.

It is indeed, never had come across one like this before.
That made me buy it. 😄

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