Beer Saturday : New Holland Coastal Dreams

in BEER4 years ago


Tonight's entry is a Michigan Double Hazy New England IPA from New Holland Brewing. Without even tasting it, I see it's 9% ABV and hazy...very hazy.


It has a bit more of an amber/bronze color than other NE IPAs in this area (I'm looking at you, Toppling), but the head is rich and thick. The smell is almost a bit cinnamon in scent...time to drink it.


Not bad...the balance definitely covers up the 9%, but there is a weird void from beginning to end. It tastes a bit like apple juice/minor sour upfront, then dissipates through the finish. There isn't a noticeable hop profile, nor any bitterness..however, now I'm starting to feel the booze in my throat.


The Untapd crew gives it a 3.95 out of 5.00, That makes sense to me; I'm going to give it a 3.75. It's good, it's strong, but it honestly doesn't have a lot of character for me. Call me spoiled on King Sues...I know it's tough to make a taste 9%'r, but this one is kind of bland.

Another Sconnie Thirsty Thursday for me; I hope everyone is doing well, healthy, and safe out there.


What a odd description of the how the beer tastes - apple cider tastes in beers are never a good thing, and to be hollow at 9% is quite a trick. I do like the understated can design though.

It could have been the pack date, but the can didn't have a date code I could read or make sense of. New Holland is usually pretty solid, but 9%'ers are tough, for sure

 4 years ago  

Hey @sagesigma, here is a little bit of BEER from @rynow for you. Enjoy it!

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Looks like a great !BEER in the glass!!