Beer Tasting: Old Franz IPA and Bewog Hagger

in BEER β€’ 3 years ago

Hello, beer tasters! 🍻 😎 🍻

How are you? I'm in the high mountains and the sun is shining like crazy, and in the valley, we're looking at fog. It's really nice.
I'm a bit tired, though, because it's the third day we've been hiking in the hills, us mountaineers, haha.
Well, we can't run out of beer in this activity either. Besides the standard ones, I brought two special ones to taste, especially for this occasion and #beersaturday.


I have to share the view from the log cabin, which is absolutely fantastic. You'd fly off into the white cream (especially if you've had a few beers) ...


And when you are in such an environment, you look down on everyone in the valley.


As usual, I start with a beer that has less alcohol.

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Old Franz IPA


Brewed by Old Franz Brewery, Poljčane, Slovenia.
Bottle, 0.5 l, alcohol 6.0 % ABV. Bought in local Lidl store. They say, that that's IPA, is a beer for lovers of rich hop aroma and pleasant bitterness.
Exactly! I'm sure that all beer tasters love that.


The beer is golden in color, cloudy and the head is average. It smells very nicely of hops and citrus. In the first sip, there is an immediate solid hop bitterness, which blends with the fruity flavors of lemon and lime.
The malt sweetness is more in the background. The flavors persist in the aftertaste and slowly fade away.


A drinkable and refreshing IPA, perhaps a little more smooth than I expected, with well-balanced bitterness and fruity flavors.
Nothing distinctly disturbing. Very fine. It may end up in my fridge because it's deliverable.

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A few more pictures of my environment, before the second beer, which is really something special.


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Bewog Hagger Blend 0221


Brewed by Bewog Brewery, Bad Radkersburg, Austria.
Bottle, 0.33 l, alcohol 12.2% ABV. This beer is really for special occasions. It's Barley Wine style, a blend of multiple batches of beer, which were aged in different spirits oak barrels.
Hagger is aged in bourbon oak barrels. It has a complex aroma of many ingredients. The number is the date of a blend (month-year).


Yeah, dark, almost black color, foam small and unstable. Immediately, in the first sip, notes of barrel aging, caramel, bitter chocolate, raisins. The taste is moderately sweet, with a lot of dried fruits, vanilla, whiskey, or bourbon.
Very complex, but, must say, balanced and tasty.


This beer is not for everyday drinking. It is more of a dessert beer, for festive or, say, special occasions.
Like this one right now, for example, at 1500 meters above sea level, I am enjoying the view and slowly sipping this dessert.


Food must go with it. Probably some dessert cheese, maybe a sweet dessert.
Well, we're not that sophisticated. We've prepared a feast of baked potatoes and steaks in the oven.


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And what am I listening to with all this wealth? Here's one multifunctional Pioneer device with 150W speakers, to which I can stream songs from my latest #newtunes post.
A new musician for me, as complex as this Hagger.

Berk Icli - Blossoms

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Stay healthy and enjoy your beer!


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🍻 😎 🍻

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More stories about beers?

Second, to last AB-InBev Cubanisto and Amsterdam Old Bourbon, or take a look at my post Landgang Pils and Perlenzauber IPA, there are links to more than 200 beer tastings!

🍻 😎 🍻

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Potatoes and steaks too? We think a like for this past #beersaturday! Everything looks wonderful over there too!

Yes, everything is smooth and running smoothly ... until the next catastrophe ... 😎 🍻

Man, what a view out over the mountains. Amazing, then you add in nice beers, good food and some sweet music and boom you're on cloud 9... Nice one my friend πŸ‘ŒπŸ»