Away with the fairies on #BeerSaturday

in BEER4 years ago

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There is a strong pagan theme running through this week's post.

Let's start with the beer.

If you're Dutch or can read Dutch, by all means, drop me a comment below to explain exactly what is going on with the artwork and names.

The first beer I tried was Gladjanus which is apparently a colloquial Dutch term that translates as one of the following

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Now I understand that The Netherlands is in many respects a much more liberal nation than my own and therefore certain customs may differ but I assume that even on the carefree streets of Amsterdam a man walking around in a trench coat flashing passers-by cannot in all good faith be deemed a "smooth operator" and therefore I'm going to stick with this beer being better described as a "shifty character".

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Just from pouring it into the glass you get a good idea that it's got some powerful floral and fruity flavours going on and once you taste it you get quite strong citrus undertones. It's very pleasant and very drinkable 7/10

Next up and from the same brewery is Bokkelul. I can't find any translation for this one and I have no idea what is going on with the artwork. It seems to be a half man, half goat like creature with 3 eyes and a penchant for hitting the gym. I did a Google search to see what I might find with such a description and came up with the Baphomet, a deity worshipped by the occult...

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With such a sinister label it's no surprise that this is a dark, complex beer with a slightly burned malty taste that gives it quite a bitter finish. I can imagine that it wouldn't be to everyone's taste but I think the flavours work quite well together 8/10

Having enjoyed a couple of beers that encouraged flashing and devil worship, I spent the remainder of the afternoon cycling with the family around a nearby woodland.

Innocent enough you might think but even here we came across some signs that the dark arts are rising in the form of some pixie shrines that local children have been adding too over the last few months.

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The kids are already painting some stones at home to add next time we go and I'll be sure to add my own token offering to the Clurichaun, a mischievous fairy in Irish folklore known for his great love of drinking who is portrayed in the thumbnail above.



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Hmmm. That floral scent that you get might have some weed-aromatic infusion. Who knows? After all they are from the land of frees 😇 😉

I think it would have cost a fair bit more had that have been the case!


Of course. They don't come beer cheap. Have a nice weekend.

 4 years ago  

Hey @rmsadkri, here is a little bit of BEER from @talesfrmthecrypt for you. Enjoy it!

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I am not Dutch, but live in South Africa and my mother who is now eighty, came from the Netherlands when she was 15.
You should break the word up to translate to English. Bok ke lul Bok = Goat. InAfrikaans when we speak about bokke, it is plural = Goats, I think in this case it will be more like "Goat's" and lul according to me is dick or penis.

In any case the !BEER looks great.

So that was goat dick beer and not just one goat's dick but several. Probably best I didn't know that before I drank it 😃 !BEER

Agreed, it does not sound appetizing, I wonder why they named the !BEER like that??

 4 years ago  

Hey @talesfrmthecrypt, here is a little bit of BEER from @rynow for you. Enjoy it!

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 4 years ago  

Hey @rynow, here is a little bit of BEER from @talesfrmthecrypt for you. Enjoy it!

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 4 years ago  

Hey @talesfrmthecrypt, here is a little bit of BEER from @rynow for you. Enjoy it!

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I've been to Amsterdam a few times and to a few other Dutch places but I don't remember where I drank bad beer. I guess these two are great too 🍻 🍺 😎 . !BEER

 4 years ago  

Hey @talesfrmthecrypt, here is a little bit of BEER from @seckorama for you. Enjoy it!

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