I had a beer to relax under the hot sun.

in BEER6 months ago (edited)

Hello friends, good evening. This is another entry to the bear #BeerSaturday challenge by @detlev.

Today, the sun shined so bright causing the weather to be very hot. At a point, I took a brake from work and went to a local beer parlor nearby and requested for a chilled Heineken beer, soon after my bottle of beer was right in from of me.

My beer was initially searved with a disposable cup, I rejected the cup and requested for a tumbler 🥃, and here it comes, I reached out for an opener and opend it. The tumbler given me was branded "life"

I also requested for meat, but at that time, they didn't have meat, but they promied to fry some and bring for me. While I waited for the meat, I poured out my first tumbler and started to enjoy my favorite beer brand.

Heineken is my favorite beer brand.
It contains about 5% alcohol and it comes in a 60cl green bottle. The cost of this prmium beer is about 0.8 HBD.

Soon after, the lady shop attendant served the meat, fresh from the fire. I had to wait for it to get cold befor decendibg on it. The meat were just 6 pieces costing about 0.5 HBD. I like having my beer with either meet or fish.

At some point, I got a call from the shop that a customer needed my attention. I hurrid over the last sip and returned to the shop to meet nd attend to the customer.

Drinking beer is very beneficial to me as it helps me relax when I am tensed, angry or under serious pressure. It also helps me relx after the days activities.

Most people get it all wrong because they abuse beer consumption, but once you can take it responsibly, beer intake is advised.

Hello friend, @essygold, I invite you to make aan entry into the #BeerSaturday challenge.

Thank for visiting and reading through my blog.
Am grateful.